Do you take naps?

I'm an insomniac, and have trained myself to sleep (finally) at a certain time, and I can't take naps as I can't sleep in the day.
I've been trying not to take naps because I end up napping for about 3 hours which means I've wasted a lot of my afternoon sleeping. I feel like I sleep better at night since I don't nap as long anymore. If I do need a nap, I try to keep it around twenty to thirty minutes (what my parents would call a cat nap) and that seems to be working a lot better for me!
I have to take at least one nap a day or I can barely function. I usually take one right after lunch (when I'm not at work), and then again around 4:00pm. I don't nap for very long, though. Usually only 10 or 15 minutes.
No, I don't take naps. Then I can't sleep at night.
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I used to be opposed to it even if I was super tired and would force myself to sleep at night and any other time was out of the question. Guess it's just traditional views where everyone who sleeps in the middle of the day is lazy. So I didn't want to be one of those people.

I still don't do it, but if I'm super tired I will rest/shut my eyes for an hour if I have the time.
Sometimes. I'm really bad for napping out of boredom, which is something I really shouldn't do.
Nope, I feel like if I nap, I'm wasting the day on something I can do later and I could do much more important things rather than being unconscious.
Not often because I can’t function properly for like 3 hours after I wake up from a nap. I’m always so groggy and even more unproductive. Naps during the day also give me really bad sleep paralysis for some reason, so I can’t even enjoy it properly. I remember I took a lot of power naps in college though. Now when I try to take a nap I always end up sleeping for like 5 hours anyways, which is then not really considered a nap lol.

Napped for 2 hours today, I regret everything :rolleyes:
I just woke up 15 minutes ago. Although, that nap was definitely not intentional. I had to take Benadryl because of my allergies and it knocks me tf out lol
i work breakfast shifts at the moment and i'm incapable of falling asleep early so i basically take a nap every day now which is probably not a great idea
^^ This is so me. Or after I haven't slept in 18 ish hours.

I try to take naps, but I never can fall asleep. My version of a nap is laying in bed with my thoughts and imagination drifting off somewhere.
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I don?t take naps as often as I used too but I still nap occasionally. But I try not too if I have to get up early because then it just ruins my sleep schedule and I end up awake all night and cranky the next day.