Do you take your phone with you into the bathroom?

May 28, 2021
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Father's Day Carnation
June Birthstone (Pearl)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Sweet Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Yellow Balloon
I was watching a video on phone use, and for the majority of people this is a 'yes'.

If you think about it, phones are pretty gross as people bring them and place them down absolutely everywhere.

I use mine for teeth brushing. I play a song and when it ends I stop.
Usually when I shower I'll leave it on the bathroom counter so I can play music on it while I'm showering. Can't say I'd bring it to any other bathroom though or anywhere else. While my phone is water-resistant, I don't want to get any germs on it if I can avoid it.
I never bring my phone into the bathroom, and that's because I'm a germophobe! I wouldn't feel okay just putting it somewhere. It could also get wet, or dirty. Not what I'd like to have happen!
me and my phone are almost never parted 😭 i use my phone in the bath, but not when i shower. when im washing my face & brush my teeth ill watch tiktoks or insta reels.
i do but i wish i didn't 😭 it makes me feel addicted, which i guess i kind of am haha