• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Do you think there is too little advertisement for New Leaf?

My thoughts are that Nintendo wont start any advertising until the Nintendo Direct in April. They will probably tell us what the new feature that NA is getting in New Leaf, and then the official webpage will probably go live. makes sense to me anyways. Does anyone know when in April the Nintendo Direct will be?
My thoughts are that Nintendo wont start any advertising until the Nintendo Direct in April. They will probably tell us what the new feature that NA is getting in New Leaf, and then the official webpage will probably go live. makes sense to me anyways. Does anyone know when in April the Nintendo Direct will be?

Nobody really knows although we can make guesses. They are usually only announced about a day or two prior. That being said, you can pretty much count on it being a Thursday!
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Yeah, Nintendo's marketing department must have been fired and replaced. Just compare those amazing old Wii commercials ("Wii would like to play") to the Wii U commercials. There's no comparison.
I enjoyed the ones for the Game Cube version of the people in costumes.
WOW those commercials are terrible! I do hope Nintendo does up it's advertising for New Leaf a little closer to the release date.
I think it is important to remember WHO they are targeting when they release a commercial for a game.

"Gamers" will already know about what games they are interested via the internet ( written previews, youtube etc), gaming podcasts, gaming magazines, seeing posters/etc in game shops etc. That is why when you see a commercial for a game on T.V (I know Assassins Creed did some, Animal Crossing did some in the past like already talked about in this thread) they will often be extremely general and not necessarily show you the game, but more try to invoke a "feeling" out of the casual watchers. For Xbox360/PS3 game commercials will often times be overly cinematic in order to rope in more casual or "out of the loop" people.

I remember my best friends 50-something year old mom wanting Animal Crossing City Folk after watching the commercial that many people in here are dismissing as being awful. I agree, it is not that great but it isn't to target people like us.

Here is the Assassins creed 3 commercial I was thinking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEYdiB0824I
Really cinematic and doesn't show a lot of the game. I think most game commercials are modeled after something like this.

I think though they will start to pick up with advertising New Leaf a bit more when it gets closer to the release date. Maybe like late April or so. I know they advertised New Leaf here in Japan around release date (like late October to late November), same for the Wii U.
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Honestly, the best advertisement they can do is show the game being played. I personally didn't want to play Animal Crossing based off of the Gamecube commercials not only because they were creepy, but because they didn't really show what happens in the game. I didn't play Animal Crossing until my sister's friend brought it over to our house and played it, and watching her play made me fall in love.

New Leaf is going to play "be the mayor of your own town" angle a lot in whatever commercial they're going to do. The most important thing they can do is show what the game is actually about: relaxing and building your own little world.
Nowadays, cause of the internet, having a commercial like the Gamecube Animal Crossing commercials is good cause it catches your attention and you will go and look up the game to see more about it.

The CF commercials were terrible and did a terrible job in showing off the game. Why do you think CF sold so badly compared to the others?
NL is a different kind of title. I mean, they are going to do commercials, but I don't see them going all out for it, but I know why they won't.

There are TONS of forums dedicated to AC alone, such as this (for the most part), and there aren't TOO many titles that have the same. AC has a bit more than a cult following, and it is played by many many groups of people. Nintendo knows this as they check these boards.

So I assume that the game is already hyped to heck and back as far as players are concerned. They will probably do minimal TV spots and then just let the internet handle it. I don't think it needs much at all. :D
You will never see as much advertising for NL anywhere as what they did in Japan. The series is absolutely massive in Japan and not nearly as much everywhere else. We'll get some TV spots, I'm sure, but outside of that, the website and an article in a Nintendo magazine I wouldn't expect anything else.
I hope they don't do what Sim City did with the 'you are the mayor' concept.


Who thought this was a good idea?! I: I want the game because of a lets play I'm watching of it, but jeeze that commercial is horrible. "This idiot is going to be you!" is NOT a good marketing implication.
I don't think they were implying that you will become an idiot mayor. I think they were just trying to show that you can build a city any way you want, even if they way seems stupid or doesn't make sense! I actually found the commercials quite entertaining. :3

As for Animal Crossing, those City Folk commercials were horrible. Really, if they do put out New leaf commercials, I hope they leave actors out of it. All they need to show is some gameplay and maybe have a calm voice over in the background describing some major points of the game. That seems to fit the series better than some actors blandly reading their lines and attempting to sound enthusiastic.
When I went to Gamestop to pick up Luigi's Mansion, I asked the employees about Animal Crossing. They said Nintendo only focuses on marketing one game at a time. Right now it's Luigi's Mansion and then it's going to be Donkey Kong Country Returns. DK comes out late May, so I have no idea when they're going to start marketing Animal Crossing based off what the employees said.
Man, I didn't realize how bad the commercials are in the US. And what's up with not having a website made yet? It should cost next to nothing to at least make a simple site and throw up some gameplay videos.

Have you all seen the Japanese commercials? There's a new one every few weeks and it shows all the different things you can do in the new season. Right now there's the cherry blossoms, someone's town made to look like Mario Kart, Easter, and a room decorated like a school (Japanese schools start in April). Even people I know that don't play games say the commercials make the game look pretty fun.
I like how Animal Crossing isn't too popular here.
Its kinda like how I enjoyed Minecraft until pretty much everyone I know had it. Kinda ruined the fun of it for me, somehow, not sure why.
I like how Animal Crossing isn't too popular here.
Its kinda like how I enjoyed Minecraft until pretty much everyone I know had it. Kinda ruined the fun of it for me, somehow, not sure why.

With all the new features, I could see AC gaining more popularity, especially with older audiences.
I don't get the idea of games becoming less fun when they're more popular. o_O Wouldn't that be nicer because you have more people who understand what you're talking about when you mention it?

The amount of people who like it doesn't really faze my experience at all. :3