• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Do you think there is too little advertisement for New Leaf?

I don't get the idea of games becoming less fun when they're more popular. o_O Wouldn't that be nicer because you have more people who understand what you're talking about when you mention it?

The amount of people who like it doesn't really faze my experience at all. :3

The only way I think more people would make it less fun is if you're in the fandom and you come across some of the more "unsavory" characters. But that's life, you know? Gonna be mean or annoying people where ever you go. Don't let that ruin your good time. I've made all my best friends from fandom stuff (that's even how I met my current boyfriend, who now lives with me).
I don't know. It was just people going on and on and on and on about it all the time. Kinda got old.
But, to be honest, I don't even know why I like games less when they're more popular, to be honest.
I hope they don't do what Sim City did with the 'you are the mayor' concept.


Who thought this was a good idea?! I: I want the game because of a lets play I'm watching of it, but jeeze that commercial is horrible. "This idiot is going to be you!" is NOT a good marketing implication.

Yeah the commercials are pretty bad... But yet they're so entertaining. I hope the start advertising New Leaf soon even though it is a bit early
That wildworld one could work again. Just change the game footage and you've got a bunch of people staring at their TVs in confusion.
Elements the commercial should focus on is:
  • mayor
  • customization
  • island
  • wifi
Pretty much, just concise the English trailer and add a bit of humor to it.

Yeah the commercials are pretty bad... But yet they're so entertaining. I hope the start advertising New Leaf soon even though it is a bit early

OMG I LOVE PITCH PERFECT TOO!!! Fat Amy is hilarious :p

Also, even though Nintendo has the website up and running for NL, you still can't find the game on their main website... yet they've got Wii Fit U which doesn't even have a release date yet... what's up with that?
It's still a little early, Im guessing ads will start at either the 30 day mark or as late as the 2 week mark. The full site hasn't been put online (haven't checked since last night, im at school now and I cant check because 99% of sites are blocked).

Also on an unrelated note, this is my 1st post and yea...
Why does anyone here care about advertising? You're getting the game whether you see a commercial or not. If you're worried about it because you want new people to experience it, your word of mouth will be a greater influence than any commercial.
Well, Luigi's Mansion and Pokemon only just came out a few days ago. I would say in the next few weeks we'll start to see the marketing for New Leaf get going since that's the next big 3DS game coming out.

As for postponing the release, that won't happen. I've almost never seen Nintendo delay a game with a specific release date. Sure they delay games often but never games with an actual date set.

Didn't brawl have a specific date?

Yeah the commercials are pretty bad... But yet they're so entertaining. I hope the start advertising New Leaf soon even though it is a bit early

Pitch Perfect was actually filmed at my school and everytime I recognize a place in the movie Im like omg...I was there...in that same spot. LOL lame but funny. And yeah I hope they do some good advertising for this game and I cannot wait for an official website :)
If you're worried about it because you want new people to experience it, your word of mouth will be a greater influence than any commercial.

Advertising, Thats how I discovered the 1st animal crossing game I played - city folk. I learned about it by the Nintendo Channel on Wii. None of my friends played cf, but I saw the trailer/heard what was said. that caused met get cf