I doubt it will be for 3DS. They always have to make another game console and then you have to purchase that in order to play the new game. Nintendo is really money hungry and makes new consoles for the cash.
Not likely. It's more likely one will come out for the Wii U, as City Folk was on the original Wii. It's too bad considering I don't have a Wii U and likely won't get one due to money and school. My 3DS is expensive and distracting enough. XD
the next one will probably be on a different console. probably because they would want the increase profits on that console. they have also never made 2 games for one console before.
I want to say yes, but I know better. Their track record gives me no reason to believe that they'll release two AC games for one system. I feel the next AC installment will be for the Wii U.
I think it would be cool if they made some expansion stuff for the game new villagers/task/PWPS...etc I just bought a 3ds XL and buying AC:NL again so I'm hoping 3ds is around for awhile and gets a new AC on it or a cross platform one with the wii u