Do you think you will be able to customize your character?

Yes of course
you could customize your character in all the games but the original I guess
and with how limited the spinoff game is, there's no point to remove it

Hey, that isn't true. You could customize the pattern of your character's shirt and hat. Some pattern designers even got creative and made patterns that gave off the illusion of wearing a different hat, such as this Mario pattern:
I would guess so, at least with the clothing. I was thinking along the lines of them maybe putting in an option to import your NL character?
I think that with the prevalance of the default new leaf characters lately (in the trailer and in the Mario Kart 8 DLC), that we will not be able to customize our characters much. I think we will probably have to wear default HHA clothing, and maybe change the face, but I think that the characters will be default, and if we can import our New Leaf characters, that we would have to wear the HHA clothing with no accessories.
With this being the first trailer, at this point Nintendo is just looking to see what type of response they will receive. In this case, we were all filled with concern. I believe that Nintendo is trying to make us have these concerns so we will buy the game to see if our concerns were real or not. In addition, in every game prior to this game, we have had a varying amount of customizable features. In my opinion, this new game will be no different. There will be even more customizable features than in New Leaf if they go in the same direction. They just used the default features for commercial purposes and we will be able to customize. In conclusion, I believe that we will be able to customize our characters and that there is no need to worry.
Maybe they'll make it possible to transfer any character from your current save file over? At least I hope so
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Why would you? There's really no point in customizing your character in a game that's ALL about furniture. I mean, you ARE wearing a uniform, right? Why would the HHA give you a uniform if you're able to wear your own clothes. Common sense, people. Maybe you'll be able to customize the face a little, but other than that I don't think there'll be much customizing.
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Maybe they'll make it possible to transfer any character from your current save file over? At least I hope so

That's going to happen when pigs fly. Better start learning about genetic engineering so you can create a flying pig, which results in Nintendo implementing an import feature of your ACNL character into ACHHD.
That's going to happen when pigs fly. Better start learning about genetic engineering so you can create a flying pig, which results in Nintendo implementing an import feature of your ACNL character into ACHHD.


sick burn by the app-meister
It would be nice but maybe its too much programming by the makers? I dont know, it would be really cool though.
That's going to happen when pigs fly. Better start learning about genetic engineering so you can create a flying pig, which results in Nintendo implementing an import feature of your ACNL character into ACHHD.

u da man apple

haven't heard that for a while now, i'm so glad i have now god bless u
I don't think you'll be able to customise your character. The point of the game is house design after all.
Will we be able to customize our character if we genetically engineer pigs to fly? I hope so.