Yeah, she's looking like the default female avatar.
Wearing the default HHA outfit
Yeah, she's looking like the default female avatar.
Wearing the default HHA outfit
I love that name omg
Definitely think the male should be called Defaulto xD
Defaulto and Defaultina. Confirmed new OTP.
Yes of course
you could customize your character in all the games but the original I guess
and with how limited the spinoff game is, there's no point to remove it
Maybe they'll make it possible to transfer any character from your current save file over? At least I hope so
That's going to happen when pigs fly. Better start learning about genetic engineering so you can create a flying pig, which results in Nintendo implementing an import feature of your ACNL character into ACHHD.
Well it is Animal Crossing, there hasn't been a game in the series in which you don't customize your character.
That's going to happen when pigs fly. Better start learning about genetic engineering so you can create a flying pig, which results in Nintendo implementing an import feature of your ACNL character into ACHHD.
sick burn by the app-meister
That's going to happen when pigs fly. Better start learning about genetic engineering so you can create a flying pig, which results in Nintendo implementing an import feature of your ACNL character into ACHHD.