Title is a bit vague but that’s because I’m looking for a wide variety of opinions!
Personally I’m ok with reusing some furniture outdoors but indoors I try and avoid it as much as possible
even in different variations it feels like a copy
This is annoying though because I recently scrapped two rooms and now I ran out of furniture that’s my taste :/
Do you guys reuse furniture?
Does colour make it a different item?
Is outdoors different from indoors?
I disliked having full series rooms in New Leaf but at this point I’d enjoy having a full set to collect that isn’t mermaid lol
at this point I might just empty the two rooms I don’t like and hope pavé brings something awesome
I don't use a lot of indoor furniture outside although my museum has an outdoor cafe area. Indoors, I try to use a variety of sets but I like old fashioned things and there aren't enough sets. So I've used the same ones a few times, particularly the antique set in brown and black and the retro diner items. I think we need more furniture sets. In addition to antique and diner, I've used mermaid, frozen, rattan, ironwood, imperial, celestial, and bamboo.
I try not to reuse furniture indoors but it's pretty challenging in this game, especially with the lack of tables (also... why do some benches/stools double as tables but others don't? I keep thinking I can put something on the pumpkin seat but... nope).
Being able to customise stuff helps but I still feel like my rooms look sort of same-y.
to be honest, I wanna use every items we have in that game but the problem is there is not enough items right now so sometimes I have to use the same furniture twice because it fits better. I miss the old furniture we had in new leaf, I hope nintendo will bring back theses furnitures.
I've reused a few items, because they work in multiple settings, although they are different colors, which changes the feel. Even if I've reused pieces, the rooms all have very different vibes. The double sofa in my living room is black, along with black antique furniture and red curtains on the walls. Upstairs in my bedroom suite, I have the Turkey Day wall and floor, the dark brown sofa, and some log furniture. In the basement, the yellow sofa plays nicely with the natural antique furniture in my Hufflepuff common room. Because of the colors and other things paired with it, it goes from very casual to cozy to more formal.
I try to use multiple variants of furniture or put duplicates far enough away that it doesn't look like the same thing everywhere. A lot of decorating depends on context- you're not going to notice I used the same white desk as a bathroom vanity and a counter at the bakery- it just doesn't look the same in the different situation. The bottom line is that items in the game are limited and there's bound to be crossover indoors/outdoors!
I reuse the deer furniture so much in my builds because it’s a recurring element for my island. Now WHY there’s so many deer-related furniture items, IDK and IDC cuz it makes my job easy lol
Indoors, I do reuse furniture but only to an extent when I try to achieve symmetry. That said, i'm going for a cottage/forest theme so symmetry is not really necessary a lot of the times even in interior decor. I also find that strangely there aren't as many furnitures in new horizon that fits my aesthetics as in new leaf. I'm actually struggling to fill my rooms up, even though I have the full mortgage paid.
Outdoors, it's a complete different story. I have the same furnitures on repeat pretty much everywhere (ex: mush furnitures, log stakes, garden wagon...etc lol) Unless game introduces more cottage-core items, i will probably continue to reuse them over and over again lol
i try not to reuse furniture, but if i do it is usually a different color. i try to use each item/color only once in my house. outside, however, i do reuse certain items
I have some items outside that I have multiples of just to keep a slightly more consistent theme, but I mostly try to avoid using the same item over and over again. Especially indoors, I try to give each room a bit of a different theme instead of making the entire house in one style.
I do think different colours kinda count for variation. Unless you're one of those news sites or youtube videos that goes "100+ new items this update!" when there are actually like 15 items in various colours. That stuff gets on my nerves.
I don't usually use the same furniture items in my house that much (unless its's something like using two of the same couch to make a little sitting area, etc.) but outside I use a Ton of the same items, I try to make sure I space them out so you can't see a bunch of the same thing over and over all in the same place (except for when that's the point, like my laundry area haha)
Unless you're one of those news sites or youtube videos that goes "100+ new items this update!" when there are actually like 15 items in various colours. That stuff gets on my nerves.
Ugh, I really don’t like when YouTubers claim things like that. It’s super confusing to those who haven’t looked at outside resources. Like I saw a video claim we got 50+ toys for toy day (when we only have 8 with variants). In fact, this confused my mom just the other day and I had to explain it to her!
There aren't that many furniture sets in the game, so I do end up using the same type of furniture for outdoors and indoors. It honestly doesn't bother me though because as long as an item comes in brown, I'm pretty happy because makes my town look more cohesive.
Yeah I do. I don't care if it's repetitive and I think it's normal to see in real life. If you look in interior magazines, there are duplicates everywhere.
I guess though it depends how full you like your rooms. Some like having each wall filled, some like dead center, and so forth.
A lot of my rooms and outside areas play big on mood than unique furniture sets (I don't know how to describe this), so if I end up with five rattan tables in my house, then so be it.
I don't actively try to not use the same pieces. Sometimes it will work out that way, others it won't.
If I'm making a garden area, I may use the same two larger plants and a smaller plant in front of them. For stalls, I may place two accessories stands, but have them customized as two different colors.
I like mix-matching chairs though. In my previous craft area, all four chairs are different but had similar color schemes.
I mean outdoors, so long as it isn't too repetitive in sections close to each other, it's fine.
But for indoors, I definitely try a little harder to differentiate things from another. Aside from using a phonograph in 3 out of the 6 rooms, each room has vastly different furniture and wallpaper. I go so far as to make sure that even wallpaper that even looks a little similar isn't allowed.
while it’s not ideal, i definitely find myself reusing furniture, both outside and inside; i at least try to switch it up by using different variants but like others have already mentioned, variety is a bit hard to come by due to the lack of items. ;^;