🌺Do you use an Animal Crossing Island planner/scrapbook? Or just look stuff up digitally?🌺

I have a small notebook with ideas to decorate my island and villagers I'd like to bring to my island. Whenever I see something I'd like to replicate on my island I write it down, with a rough estimation of how much space it would take. For the villagers, it's so I don't have to always look up villagers on hunts, I usually have a small list if villagers I'm looking for and I already know their personnality, hobby and house design :)
I use an app called 'ACNH life' to track DIYs, fish, bugs, art etc etc and I love it!! it makes it so much easier for me to see what I still need to collect. for an actual art guide i usually just google it and use whatever comes up! I've only ever considered using a planner to manage the actual island designing part of the game, but if I need to physically write something out i'll just use whatever paper i have lying around spare
I don't use any kind of planner but I have a printed sheet with all critters available in the game and I highlighted those I caught so I can see who's missing and when they're available.
I downloaded an app a few weeks into the game that has daily checklists for things like hitting rocks, shaking trees for furniture, talking to all the villagers, etc as well as tabs to keep track of your DIY, fish, bug, art, and fossil collections. There's probably a section for deep sea creatures too now but I haven't used the app in a while since I generally just google things or check on AC Wild World
I've never used a planner for AC before, although that does sound fun. I know for sure that I wouldn't be able to keep up with it and end up abandoning it. I usually pull up a guide every time I'm searching for stuff like museum donations. I'm not into completing item catalogues so I don't really keep track of those either.
I use nookipedia to look up anything I need and that’s about it. The idea of a planner is so cute though. Wish I would have thought of that when I started my island.
no i don't. i don't think i play the game actively enough to do so, but i feel like i should get one just to keep up with events more. i mostly look up stuff when i need to.
I started a planner for Animal Crossing!! I love it!! It's so cute and I can be creative with it and it's helpful to have all the info in one spot.😁💕💕💕🌸🌸

I'm a completionist and always used the physical guide books with the older AC games, but for NL and NH I started using phone apps to keep track of things in my game. I currently use ACNH Life and have been using it since the game first launched. I love it! It keeps track of pretty much everything and has most of the information that I would normally have to look up online. The only information that doesn't seem accurate is the section on hybrids, but I can live with that. It does have ads, but I didn't think $5 was too much to spend to support an app I love and use everyday. I tried many other apps to compare and none of them lived up to this one in my eyes.
I look stuff up online and on instagram. I have a little section on instagram of saved posts of various codes and photos for inspiration. On other sites, I save images to my camera roll so I can quickly look them up. If I visit a dream address I take screenshots.