Do you use weeds to decorate your island?

Do you use weeds to decorate your Island?

  • Yes

    Votes: 45 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 16.7%

  • Total voters


Lost in the memories
Sep 28, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Blue Star Fragment
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Yellow Star Fragment
Sheep Plush
Pink Star Fragment
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
Crescent Moon Easter Egg
Star Glow Wand
Dreamy Easter Egg
Heart Glow Wand
Do you use weeds to decorate your Island? Or do you see them as just that; weeds that need to be pulled? I personally use them in many areas on my island and find them really pretty. I think they add more life and visual appeal to my island, as I have areas that I try to keep either looking more natural or slightly overgrown. But I also like using them sparingly in areas that are more lived in (eg: paths or lawns in the yards for my villagers). I'm a big fan of the different stages too (I think I use the first and third stages the most), and I adore how they have different appearances for each season. ^^

I'd love to know how other people utilize weeds if they use them, and if you don't, why is that? (eg: wouldn't work with your island theme, you don't like how they look, etc.).
I used them in some areas to give it off more of a nature appeal. The ground looks too sterilized without any weeds or plants. I also use weeds and the moss weeds around places like a cemetery, abandoned house, and this construction area. That's not really what it is, but it's the easiest way to describe it.

It does get to be a pain though because I usually don't play this game actively. So when I boot it back up it's been a while and they spread/infest so much that it doesn't even look natural. I would use Leif's services for this, but then I'd get rid of everything and have to do it all over again. So it's funny to think that something like a weedy area has its own upkeep lol.
I use some weeds to decorate my campground area because it’s in the wilderness area that I had planned.
i would love to but my island is covered in custom designs 💔 citycore how i love and hate you
YES i love the different versions of the weeds too! i truly didn't care if it affected my island rating... weeds are so good
for this version though i'm trying to use more glowing moss instead of weeds, but i'll definitely find some spots to use them regardless
I did on my original island, had a woodland/spooky themed area at the back of the island that had a lot of weeds - actually started it for a tbt event and then just let the weeds keep growing 😄 Really not got very far decorating my new island but if I go for a natural theme reckon I’ll definitely keep some weeds around!
My whole island is covered in weeds. I like the texture it adds. Ya know? Instead of just smooth grass.
Yeah I use them to decorate, I love how they look in this game. It does annoy me how much they spread though - I don’t always want to use transparent custom designs because I like the sound when you walk on the grass 🥲
Yes I use weeds on my island. It helps with the rural look
Well, my town is a citycore, and I only have some weeds inside the bridge area to reach my boardwalk. I'm most likely not going to have anymore weeds in my island, but we'll see.
i used weeds in my spring area! my island is decorated in season and weeds are perfect in the spring
I have a natural island and use a lot of weeds to decorate actually! I am glad we have the option to do so!
I do not use weeds to decorate my island. I'm scared it will affect my rating ^^;; I know it used to in NL, but I'm not so sure about NH. I'd rather not risk it, so this is why I do not use weeds to decorate my island.
I use many things as decoration (materials like star frags etc) but not weeds. I don't hate them but they dont match my island and try to pull all of them.. it really make me miss new leaf that had options to no grow them no matter the time without playing T___T
I love the weeds in this game, they're so pretty! I honestly prefer them over some of the flowers. And most of my town is more on the natural side, so they fit in really well. I do have invisible tiles placed around some of them thought to prevent spreading, but I do the same for flowers (I have too many and I'm emotionally attached, please help)
My first Island is literally a sorta abandoed town and fairycore/foresty core in the back, so weeds are helpful to show age, abandonment and foresty areas.
So I do plan on using more, as I am still designing.

I do notice however, that over time the weeds change to one specific style of weed that I am not a fan of? For example, I placed down like the lil grassy weed, but over time it becomes that really big weed? And it takes forever to get to the weed in my bags for the one I want again :/
No way, I can't stand weeds spreading around my island! They're all removed, and I placed custom designs everywhere to prevent this from ever happening again.