I got to know them both before knowing their original gender so idk, the gender swap seems really unnecessary to me.
But I guess I'll just view them as genderfluid or agender because apparently that's what the translators (?) wanted obviously.
I don't really view them, they look like they can be both, but i'll go with girls~ xD Though the Japanese version is male and the American versions ect are female? I think that's why I can view them as both? o:
The only reason I identify them as female is due to their feminine names, but if they were names as males I would see no different, Gracie would still be my fave as a flamboyant fashionista, I'd still love zer all the same. <3
I think of them as female, because I never played the Japanese version, but will one day if I ever master the language well enough.
It's incredibly annoying as a gamer that sooo many things are dumbed down or censored for the EU/America/Australia market....it's actually embarrassing.
There are so many games that are a lot more complex in the the Japanese version or aren't even release to the Western world because the storyline is quite complex & it just doesn't sell over here.
It would be nice if adaptations weren't so pandering & actually stayed as true as possible to originals. It's more respectful to the creators of the game.
The consumers don't share the same ideals as the censors, I'm sure most people here would not care if they were left as flamboyant men!
Female, because that's how they were presented to me.
BUT, if they're male, that's fine too. What's important is that Sahara NEVER gives me the carpet(s) I am missing and Gracie ALWAYS says I look terrible. =P
Even though both are female in the US market, I still have my firm belief that even in the west, Saharah is secretly a dude. Long eyelashes aside, I feel that if she was meant to be a woman in the japanese market, she'd probably have a similar elaborate headdress like Ankha has. But nope, all I could envision is light colored clothing and a tagiya rather than hair on top of the head.
Yet even when told that Gracie was male overseas, I still see her as a female, simply because there's nothing on the appearance that looks strictly masculine. Yes, I'm aware of the idea of heavily flamboyant fashion designers, but she doesn't really seem to strike off as one; instead, she comes off as an alpha brat to me, as in the girls in high school that glam themselves up and shun down everyone that look ugly in their eyes. It's hard to imagine a male with that kind of personality tbh.
They're both girls. I play in the US version. The creator made it a girl so it's a girl? If I were playing the Japanese version then Gracie would be a boy? They're just characters lol I could careless.
Wow...! I had no idea they were both males. I found an article going a bit in depth here. Apparently they were "Grace" and "Roland"! It's a little disappointing that they felt they needed to change the genders, but it doesn't surprise me because it's Nintendo. :<
i don't know, i always viewed gracie as male but saharah as female, but then again
i don't usually think about those things if you know what i mean? (>̯-̮<̯)
I think of them as males, because I know they were designed to be, so I just can't help it lol. I sorta wish they kept Gracie as a flamboyant male, woulda made him more interesting. I mean, it's not like Ed and Julian aren't already in the same category