Does anyone else find villager hunting on the mystery island oddly appealing?


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Oct 28, 2013
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It’s super frustrating for sure. I am completely convinced it’s not true RNG because I see a disproportionately high number of bulls, chickens, and birds on mine.

But it’s the little jolt of hope that’s strangely satisfying. I guess this is why some people buy lottery tix for decades, lol.

I might also be a little bit delirious because I’m at the beginning of my grind and not in the middle, lol. When I start getting super angry at all the birds I see over and over. 😂
i adore villager hunting and am sad that my roster is basically set in stone for the foreseeable future until/unless i retheme so i can't really go on any more hunts for a while! i tend to have really good luck, as well, but that might just be because i've spent thousands of tickets in my time and it's just bias, lol
Yup, I feel the exact same way. The only time I find it frustrating is if I'm searching for literally one specific villager or I run into the same villager as the last island. Otherwise, if I keep my options open, it has never been super grind-y for me. I try to time move-outs so that I can go island hopping on weekends so I don't have to worry about running out of time.

On the other hand, from my experience, inviting the campsite villager can be a pain. It really grinds my gears when they offer to move to your island then suddenly go, "Just kidding! I don't want to move here."
ahh i love island hopping so much

one time i was looking for fang, and i did find him however i still had around 30nmt left and i was really curious to see who else i would have gotten so i carried on 😅

the other day marshal asked to leave and i literally thought to myself "nice island hopping!" and kicked him out without hesitation
then i spent 100nmt on finding a villager, i didn't have one in mind and ended up with stitches even though i had his amiibo lol

i love loads of villagers so it's exciting to see who i might find ☆
i always find myself coming back to villager hunting because i love the mystery of it, its exciting seeing who will be on the island and the next, even if the rng is honestly bad

what really hurts it is all the talking you have to do to the dodos. i never get angry about the villagers i see, its those dang dodos
There are things about it I like and things I don't. I like the mystery and the excitement of who am I gonna find? But I don't think it's really rng. Every time I island hop I find Octavian, every time. Also If I go enough times I start seeing repeat villagers(once I saw the same villager 3 times). This makes think there is a finite number of villagers it's cycling through.
I also don't like having to keep buying nmt, we should just be able to tell the dodo we want to go to a mystery island and it deduct the nook miles from out account. Also as previously mentioned the dialog is way to long and if you mess up you have to start all over.
Obviously our options for new villagers are limited so we are forced to deal with this(don't get me started on trying to get a camper to move in/evict the right villager).
I love island hopping for villagers! I can never bring myself to use amiibo cards (and I have recently bought a bunch of amiibo cards just because I like them) or trade online, because I just love the random chance of the mystery islands! I love not knowing exactly who I will get and getting to see a variety of villagers (even when I see one villager 4 times in one day, sorry Julia, you’re cute but I’m not interested).

it is one of my favorite things, which becomes increasingly problematic as I get attached to my villagers or find favorites who I never want to let go.

but yeah, it does not seem odd to me at all to enjoy island hopping, I think adding the chance element into who my island residents is a definite and complete positive (and saves me from having to decide on my own among my ever growing list of favorites. At this point I always hope to be able to go to at least 20 islands, and don’t mind getting a villager I know I won’t keep around forever, because that just means more island hopping in the future ;)

as a bonus I resource gather on the first 1-5 islands to make some extra bells and/ or restock my crafting supplies.
Honestly I love island searching so much that I refuse to buy Amiibo cards even though I have a specific Dream Team in mind. I get kind of annoyed when my villagers don't want to leave after a couple weeks. I get kind of impatient. I'm never getting any pictures from them at this rate :cry:.
I love searching for villagers on mystery islands! I don't have a set dreamy list and 8/10 of my villager slots aren't permanent. So seeing who I can get is extra fun and not very frustrating because I don't have a specific villager in mind, just some one cute and interesting enough for me to want. Sadly my villagers rarely ask to move, so I don't get to do this often.
I was just thinking this same thing. Zell offered to move out, and while I love Zell, I've had him on my islands for a long time and already received his photo once. And I still have Raymond on that island for a smug. And the prospect of villager hunting was too much fun to pass up. So I went villager hunting with a limit of 10 Nook Miles Tickets and found Croque on the last one. There were other cool villagers too but I thought it would be a nice change to have a new cranky.

Plus I love mystery island tours for the music and the chance to see Wilbur. And mystery islands are more fun with random villagers.
For me I was lucky I found beau and fauna when I was hunting for villager but not lucky on my campsite villagers
Though. I got Amibo cards for my present 🎁 got poppy and marshal . It’s is kinda hard to find dreamy villagers , need to spend lots of nmts. For me poppy is a cutest little squirrel 🐿 adorable animal
I love island hopping for villagers it’s so much fun. The only thing I would change is being able to go to another island instead of going back to my island first. I usually have really good luck when island hopping usually using less then ten tickets. The last two I only used one. I do have some Amiibo cards I got for Christmas so far I used one. Only because I got tired of waiting for sterling to leave since he’s been here forever.
I love hopping around to different mystery islands. I still haven't seen big fish island, so I am hoping one day on my hopping adventures I will. It reminds me of a good grinding session Animal Crossing style. I mean, people stream and watch people shiny pokemon hunting, so I don't think island hopping for villagers is too different. 😁
yesss most definitely, i love when the opportunity arises! it's super fun and i love the feature. there are some islands i have yet to see, which is astounding considering i island hopped for 13 hours haha (ofc, i grew weary of hopping but it's pretty much an anomaly that i'll island hop for that long ever again).
Yes! I love island hopping for villagers!!! So much so, that the aggravation at seeing a villager I do NOT want is actually part of what makes it so exciting. Yeah, I'm weird. Anyways, the only time that I actually get legitimately upset is when I get the same villager two times in a row, which has happened to me a couple of times. I also once got a villager on the first island that was the very villager who moved out!
I'm going to be the contrarian here and say the appeal quickly faded for me. The process of buying multiple NMTs one at a time and going through the Airport dialogue is super tedious to me, and I tend to get a little annoyed when I come across a villager I don't want (which is most of the time in my case). I get even more annoyed if I happen to come across them again.

At this point, I don't really bother with island hopping too much. I mostly let the game choose my next villager, and if I don't like what the game gives me, I'll use a card to replace them.
I enjoy it, but that may be bc I don’t do it very often. I have a good collection of amiibo cards from NL, but there are still a few villagers I don’t have cards for that I would consider taking in from island hopping. And I’ve definitely enjoyed finding the villagers new to NH that way.
It's fun. But gets annoying when you start getting repeat villagers, especially when it's beyond your 100th trip. I recently did this with Raymond.

From 1-100, I met 88 unique villagers.
From 101-200, I met 62 unique villagers.
Then 201-243, I met 27 unique villagers, with Raymond being the last one.

Basically, I met 177 unique villagers out of 243 tickets, which is 72.8%. I've also basically met almost half of all the villagers (177 out of 382, not including the 9 villagers on my island). Not bad I guess.
This is going to sound crazy, but...

...I purposely only island hop during the night...and I creep around the trees just to get a glimpse of an outline/shadow in the distance. It's more exciting for me that way lol

...or, if I land on that island that has a 3 tiered mountain in the middle, I'll only climb up to the 2nd level and try to figure out who's up there just by their feet.
i do!! it’s definitely frustrating, for sure, but i always get so excited whenever i get to go island hopping and it’s honestly one of my favourite things about the game. :’^)