Yes ! Going on a villager hunt with NMT is a thrill ! I like it until I don't anymore. We should be able to island hop without coming back to our island first, that would be a great QoL update from Nintendo.
Yes!!! I had offers of people giving me my dreamies for free but I did not want that. I just enjoyed going to the islands to see who I would find and in how many tickets. I've been to 500ish islands and have never seen most of the cats. I kinda want to hunt just to try find some of them!
I do quite enjoy the satisfaction of finding a villager yourself instead of just purchasing the villager from someone.
But I will admit, the actual process I hate. I think it's partly because of the amount of dialogue the dodos put you through each time you go to and from a new island.
I do however enjoy running into different villagers and saying hello to them all. And also trying really hard not to just take the first cutie I see, and actually hunt for a dreamie... xD
I normally love villager hunting but I didn't have much luck yesterday. I spent 34 NMT before I finally found Elvis. Elvis is cool though; I'm thinking of making that island all medieval/renaissance theme villagers now since I also have Colton, Knox, and Sterling there.
I love villager hunting! I don't use Amiibo cards, so visiting the islands is pretty much the only way I really meet potential new villagers. I've picked up a couple of new residents I otherwise wouldn't have bothered searching for.
It's also helpful because I'm always running out of materials
I get to do this tomorrow and I am so excited!!! Although there was one time where a random (I think voided from another island) villager had already claimed the lot on the very first day it was "empty." So help me, if that happens this time around I'm going to cry. It's been months since I've done this and I'm absolutely dying to give it a whirl.
Yes it's strangely therapeutic for me as well. Since i don't kick out villagers that often, i almost look forward to the island hopping experience every time I finally have an empty plot, but things could go into several directions there from that point on. Sometimes i find my dreamies in a matter of 1-3 tickets so while i'm happy that i can save NMT, it's not as satisfying lol Other times, i'm on island 65 and haven't even come across a single villager I like (and also on verging of running out NMT), at that point it just becomes pure frustration haha. It is hard be to be lucky and landing in the sweet spot somewhere in the middle of the two extremes for sure.
That said, i haven't been able to do this for a while now, so i'm really itching for some of my villagers to move away (i'm looking at you Lyman and Moe) so i can go dreamie hunting again lol
Island hopping in quite relaxing to me, if I'm bored or have some free time with a free plot. I find it really rewarding when I find a dreamie or a popular villager!
I love it and I am excited to do that tomorrow. I love taking pictures with every villager I see and the excitement of maybe seeing somebody really underrated who I love. Last time, I ran into Cyrano and he was one of my favorites for years. The time before that, I ran into Marina twice in only 10 islands (I didn't really want her, but I took the second time as a sign).
I sell on Nookazon ( ) but I keep all my nmt for island hopping instead of using it as currency because I love island hopping so much! There are definitely a few villagers I really would like to have but I honestly love meeting new villagers and keeping ones I never would have fallen in love with otherwise.
It is annoying when you get repeats though. Last time I did that, I got Beau on my third ticket and he kept popping up. After like 140-something trips, and seeing him 5 or so times, I decided he was probably the best repeat villager and I took him in.
(p.s. I do adore Beau's design, but I've tried to start avoiding the popular villagers unless I really resonate with them. Beau was unfortunately not one of them. plus my S/O has him on his island, and we both try not to have the same villagers)