Does anyone else find villager hunting on the mystery island oddly appealing?

It’s basically gambling, I guess that’s the appeal. I have such a love-hate relationship with villager hunting because it’s something I always want to do when I can’t do it but hate doing when I have to do it. It’s exciting at first but this game seems to have a wretched desire sensor that is far too effective for my liking. Lol. I don’t even know how it does what it does. The RNG in this game is pretty harsh. Always giving what we want when we don’t want them and vice versa and there’s no fooling it.
I love villager hunting overall. It's exciting walking onto each island and finding out who it is. And I almost always use all my tickets even though I tell myself I'll settle for whoever is on the next island.

It does get frustrating when you see the same cow or bull multiple times. The amount of times I've come across Norma, Naomi and Vic (to name a few) is ridiculous, compared to the amount of times I've come across villagers such as Sylvana or Raymond (I've never seen them and I've done hundreds of islands).

I find it strange how I've seen the same villagers multiple times (I once got marina, zucker and octavian directly after each other) yet certain villagers haven't shown up once?? But I guess that's what random means. So yeah it can be frustrating but I still love it.
I think it's fun up until you run out of NMT to travel. I have particular favorites, but finding ones on an island that I've never seen before is great, too! It's like opening those plastic balls that have toys inside.
I don't enjoy island hopping for villagers because I get impatient and annoyed when I see the same villagers all the time. But recently I have been into island hopping in general for materials. Before it used to feel like a chore, but now I like going to mystery islands to do nook mile + tasks. I play this weird game in my head to see how many tasks I can complete on an island before I have to go home and sell/refresh the tasks, lol. I'm not sure if I can approach island hopping for villagers in this way though, because villager hopping always makes me rush through things urgently just so I can see the next villager, and then I'm usually disappointed.
I feel your frustration. Its been about 9 months into the game and I STILL have yet to see my favourite villager on a mystery island. Because I have Zucker, I have seen Marina at least 20 times. Its weird how the RNG works but its always suspenseful and can be addictive, to the point of gambling (which is ironic). Island hopping is also useful for me to get materials that I lack, such as gold nuggets and weeds. I always take advantage of every island like a true capitalist lol. So yeah, even if I don't find the villager I want I always get something out of it.
I love it. and now I've become less restrictive to what villagers I'd have on my island, it's not as tedious as if I was only looking for a handful of villagers. like I actually love when a villager asks to move out bc then I can go island hopping, and it also gives me an opportunity to stock up on mats/find new DIYs.
I kinda love the thrill of it. Granted you're not going to get Raymonds, or Judys every time, but it might give you some villagers you'd never thought about having in my opinion. Like for example, Skye, she was one of my first villagers and one I got on a random island, and I loved her, never had her before, but she loved to sing, she was always kind. I eventually moved her out, but if she came up again I'd snap her up <3
It's always fun at the beginning! But after an hour or two it just becomes frustrating haha. I agree I don't think it's true RNG, I get a disproportionate amount of bulls and chickens too, seems a lil sus to me,,,
I like villager hunting when I let one of my old ones go. I wish we could still see the animals on the mystery islands even if our village was full.
I used to like doing many of the nook miles tasks to collect them for tickets! That was probably half of how i spent my play time, and the other might have been island hopping itself XD
Huh, I never knew so many people liked it! I'm not too big on island hopping myself. 😅 I think it's a neat idea, but I just don't have the willpower to put myself through it. Kudos to anyone that has the patience for it though! ❤
I only find villagers via mystery islands and the campsite. No amiibo or buying/trading villagers.

I'm looking for Kiki and/or Lolly.

It is frustrating, but I have had some good luck finding other villagers along the way.
Villagers I have found and invited on mystery islands:

The frustrating part for me is, I rarely encounter cats on mystery islands. I can use 50 tickets, and maybe find 0-1 cats. Yet I can run into the same villager multiple times.
So I don't get the RNG. I can't find cats, but I can find the same villager(s) 2-4 times during a specific session I go hunting.

That said, I still get excited every single time I go searching on mystery islands. There's always that hope that this is the time you'll find exactly who you're looking for.
I found villager hunting oddly fun too, but got tired of finding the same villagers I wasn't aiming for like bulls, pigs, mice, etc, so I ended up just using amiibo or doing the campsite trick(which was a lot more convenient) at least until I found the villagers that gave me the most trouble and that I most wanted: Judy and Raymond.

But for sure there is a satisfying feeling when you accidentally bump into a villager you really like, especially on your first try kind of like when I found Audie when doing mystery island hopping. I didn't expect to find her but she was one of my original dreamies for NH, so it definitely made me feel great when I found her to say the least.
I can be frustrating but at the same time, I love just finding random villagers that I like even though I wasn't planning to get them

For example, I found Freya, Wolfgang, and Beau from island hopping even though I wasn't expecting them, and now they're permanent residents of my island! 💕
It is frustrating but exciting that you could potentially find your dreamy. I keep seeing bubbles the hippo in my game when I island hop lol, I swear I've seen her 100 times now.
So far, I've only grinded up to a max of 12 consecutive tickets in a search to find a villager to move in. It's quite fun to do as long as you keep your options open enough, and don't try to find that one single dreamy you can't live without. I quite enjoy it, as I like switching things up and meeting new villagers all the time.
It used to be very enjoyable to me, now its just repetitive. I will say though, getting the villager you been searching forever for will never get old. My RNG on islands is poop, so maybe thats why I got over it quickly lol
Honestly I feel the same way. When I’m starting to get bored of the game sometimes I hope a villager moves out so that I can go villager hunting lol. I like seeing villagers ive never had either in new leaf or on my island. It’s fun to see who it’s gonna be each time. The repeating though is insane, especially when you see the villager that you just moved out lol
i really enjoy it cos usually i just pick the first villager who looks cute (in my last hunt it took me 3 tickets and i took bertha home), this way i have a chance to see a bunch of cute animals and mhaps put them on my island and make new friends
I enjoyed it back when I was just looking for cute/cool villagers for my town. It's how I got a few of my villagers (like Doc! Which was a pleasant surprise because I wanted him in my town because he looks like my bf! :p). Sometimes I would come across villagers I never even knew about but were really cool looking.