Does anyone else think that the HHP resort is under-designed?


Mar 22, 2020
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Is it just me or does anyone else feel like the resort feels kinda... bland?

I have slowed down with the DLC since all that's left for me is to keep designing houses for the rest of the villagers. So I finally have the chance to actually look around the whole place properly.

I was under the impression that the more facilities we unlock, the more decorative the resort will be. But we're stuck with the same plumeria bushes and same palm tree on a practically empty beach. No log fences, flowers, planters, signboards, lamp posts, beach blankets, picnic baskets, beach bonfire, sea critters such as crabs, seashells scattered on the shore, or even sand castles. The ruins have nothing really special going on in it. Even the facility exteriors are kinda dull with their basic bushes.

Kinda ironic for a facility that caters design and landscaping. What are your thoughts?
I'm going really slowly through the dlc, only just did the school last night. I'm... hoping we unlock more stuff for decorating soon. Really hoping. But I don't go looking for info, cuz i just want to explore the resort at my own pace.
Today I booted up my old 3DS to take a look at some of my old designs in HHD, and walking around the town area I did feel like HHP is pretty bare in comparison. I don't think they outdid HHD, to be honest.

It's somewhat understandable since it's a resort island and not a big downtown area, but if they weren't going to include as many facilities, they could have at least allowed more choices in the buildings look and scenery. Or just something a little more grand.

It doesn't bother me too much, though. The atmosphere when a certain person is around is well done and it being just a hub to talk to Lottie and meet clients is fine. There might not be a lot to do or see, but the animals do look cute when playing with sand or floating in the water.
I haven't played any previous games so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I'd love to see some more customization options for the island personally :) Sadly I don't think we'll get them, so I'm content with how pretty it already is, and the festivals.

It would be nice to be able to change up the flora, pathways, lighting, etc, and to see more signs of life. Like you said - sandcastles and so on appearing and disappearing, just little things like that make a big difference. It's nice to see the villagers relaxing on the beach doing various things together as it is, I'd never complain about having even more variety :p
You know when I compare the Resort back to the Town from Happy Home Designer I was surprised how small the Resort felt. I mean only 4 Facilities? I seem to remember HHD having more than that. Like for example The Hotel, Music Hall, Business Office and First/Second Shop. I was surprised they didn't bring them back. I am also more surprised how the School doesn't seem to have an upgrade to it.

I know there is the argument that the Resort is an island and it would not feel realistic, but remember this. There are villagers who ask for certain themes that sorta remind you of the old Facilities back in HHD. Now I am not going to deny it, but it does feel sorta limited how the Resort doesn't seem that "open" than I thought.
You know when I compare the Resort back to the Town from Happy Home Designer I was surprised how small the Resort felt. I mean only 4 Facilities? I seem to remember HHD having more than that. Like for example The Hotel, Music Hall, Business Office and First/Second Shop. I was surprised they didn't bring them back. I am also more surprised how the School doesn't seem to have an upgrade to it.

I know there is the argument that the Resort is an island and it would not feel realistic, but remember this. There are villagers who ask for certain themes that sorta remind you of the old Facilities back in HHD. Now I am not going to deny it, but it does feel sorta limited how the Resort doesn't seem that "open" than I thought.
Oh dang I didn't realize HHD had so many different facilities, I'd love to design for those in Paradise Planning too. I do wish there were more expansions for the existing facilities, but I suppose I'll have to make do with re-doing them from time to time and making the most of the villager vacay homes 😭
Oh dang I didn't realize HHD had so many different facilities, I'd love to design for those in Paradise Planning too. I do wish there were more expansions for the existing facilities, but I suppose I'll have to make do with re-doing them from time to time and making the most of the villager vacay homes 😭
Yeah HHD had more to it and despite the design feature being dated it still had a lot going on for it at the time.
Hmm, when I compare it too HHD, I do think the HHP island is a little bare and empty feeling. But maybe it's supposed to be that way because it's the whole deserted island thing? I would have liked to see more detail for sure though. Even just little things like a picnic blanket on the beach for the villagers to enjoy.

It would be nice to have 1 or 2 more facilities as well. I loved the hotel in HHD, I wish they had bought that back.
Yup, totally agree.

There are so many empty space. Beach needs some love too. Missing flowers, and if its a vacation island, why there is no hotel or other fun facilities like souvenir shop or a beach bar or concert hall.
I guess yes, but when Lottie and I actually have a client sit down with us, it seems more majestic with the camera view. It’s reminiscent of an HGTV show like Beachfront Bargain Hunt.
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i’ve actually never thought about this before but now that you mention it, it does seem a tad bit under-decorated. i mean, i can understand that the cliffs are probably as barren as they are so that glowing moss has room to grow, but some more decorations would’ve been nice, even tiny ones. even being able to decorate it ourselves would’ve been neat, and could’ve been something we unlocked the ability to do after we designed all 4 facilities or something.