Does Violet have a butt like the other gorillas?

I have Violet on my island and after I gave her a silk shirt, this thread made me wanna look for myself at that butt 🤣
Noooo this is tragic

I hope someone who's got Hans can take pictures of his butt so we'll know for sure

I think Rocket has no butt either.
This is the greatest thread I’ve ever seen omg. I kinda want a gorilla now... but my favourite Hans doesn’t even have a butt! 😢

And speaking of villager's butts,here's something I noticed in New Leaf that's been carried over to New Horizons: most of the ducks have a point of a lighter color on the tips of their booties.So if you have a duck villager,make sure you check out that butt.

Mallary's tail actually has target rings on it, which I find both hilarious and sad at the same time. There'll be no duck hunting in my town!
I laughed immaturely when I read this. I wouldn't know. I don't look at their butts. XD

I had Hans in my town but I didn't pay much attention to him. That's why he left.
Here's Rilla's butt, if you're curious. She was only in New Leaf and Pocket Camp, I think.

Does anyone have pictures of the butts of the other gorillas who were cut from New Horizons? That would be Jane and Yodel.
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