Does whether or not a person smokes/uses drugs affect your opinion of them?

Just don't smoke inside your house and I'm okay with it. I used to be a smoker. My parents smoked my whole childhood inside the house and never near a window either. Just hot boxing the living room with cigarettes and no ventilation. I think that's why I have bad asthma now and use daily inhalers. Other then that, go for it.
Smoking, no. Just don't do it near me. Drugs is a yes if it's anything other than marijuana. If you're going to do that you better stay far away from me. Otherwise, I will make you leave.
Just wanted to append to my previous post given some recent responses and context, "not thinking ill of a person for doing drugs" definitely doesn't mean "is socially compatible with" said person. I don't really care what people do with their off time as long as they're not hurting other people (and to the extent that drugs themselves are harmful to the person using them, obviously, but that's a job best handled by someone more qualified than me), but it's not a world I want any part of.

As for the romantic angle posed in this thread, it would honestly be a deal-breaker for me if any partner of mine was a user of anything stronger than the occasional alcohol. Even if marijuana is comparatively less dangerous, I simply can not stand the odor, and it causes me a great deal of distress being around it. So I'm fine with people smoking marijuana, but speaking from some experience, I simply can not cope to coming home to a house that is drenched in the smell.
Overall, no, generally I wouldn’t judge someone for smoking, or using drugs. I don’t know their personal circumstances.

However, if I had, or needed to have, some sort of relationship with them (acquaintance, friend, coworker, etc.), these things would impact how likely I am to spend time with them. There are some obvious clarifying questions:
  • Does their behaviour affect me or anyone else? How?
  • Am I comfortable being around them? Why/why not?
  • Is their behaviour lawful?
  • General considerations about what type of relationship I have with them, how often I see them, etc.
If their behaviour would negatively impact me, or was illegal, or made me uncomfortable, that would obviously impact my decision to spend time with them.

For example, for a romantic partner, it’s important to me that we have similar lifestyles, so smoking, drinking and drug use wouldn’t fit with that.

As a second example, I don’t like the smell of cigarette smoke or flavoured e-cigarettes, nor do I want the exposure to second-hand smoke or e-cigarette aerosols. I do have some family members that smoke (outside), and while I don’t want to be exposed to it, and will avoid being near them while they do it, they’re still my family, and I love them and don’t judge them for it obviously! ❤️

It definitely depends on my relationship with that person. It’s not that my opinion of them would change, rather just what our relationship would look like!
I wouldn't judge someone for smoking weed or cigarettes. I smoke a lot of marijuana, probably too much, typically around 3-4 grams a day. My father smoked cigarettes in the house a lot and I really don't like the smell, so I can easily understand those who are put off by it. I used to smoke around my house, especially at my desk or at the table while playing board games, but my sister's boyfriend moved in a little while ago and the smell makes him physically ill. Now I use what I call my smoke room, a small room off my bedroom, to do it with a fan blowing out the window or just go in the garage or outside. I may not judge someone for smoking, but I would absolutely judge someone for being inconsiderate of others.

On the other hand I most certainly have felt judged by others for being a smoker and I've missed out on job opportunities, and have been discriminated against at work just for being a smoker. (Even though I never smoked at work or went to work under the influence) employer mandated marijuana drug tests are invasive and pointless, what harmless things someone does off work shouldn't be any of their employer's business.
Sort of. I don’t mind if a person smokes cigarettes or consumed alcohol every so often as long as they don’t smoke inside my house or car. Alcohol I have no real opinion on unless you start verbally abusing after a few drinks which is when I will not tolerate the behavior. I find the stench of marijuana to be extremely disgusting and I won’t tolerate it. Same with illegal drugs as I’m not dealing with the police if someone uses them and then overdosed and dies. I have enough problems to deal with that I don’t need that type of drama in my life.
For me, it depends on how much. Like if someone has a glass or two of alcohol, I think nothing of it but if someone is getting black out drunk every weekend, I think poorer of them. Plus I'm past the age where doing drugs is considered 'cool' so it all tends to look silly to me and I view the people as immature. That said, as long as that person isn't harming others (second hand smoke, drinking and driving), then you do you lol. Smoking though, is always going to be viewed as a negative thing to me. With all the proof of death and harm it causes, it boggles my mind why anyone would start. It smells disgusting and is expensive too.
I don't really mind what people do all I ask is that they don't smoke right next to me as I have Asthma.

I also feel like being in your 20s everyone is always smoking at every party or social outing your at so its kinda hard to get away from that.
I don't judge people, but I just know they're not my kind of people. I'm just a tall child after all.
For me, it depends on how much. Like if someone has a glass or two of alcohol, I think nothing of it but if someone is getting black out drunk every weekend, I think poorer of them. Plus I'm past the age where doing drugs is considered 'cool' so it all tends to look silly to me and I view the people as immature. That said, as long as that person isn't harming others (second hand smoke, drinking and driving), then you do you lol. Smoking though, is always going to be viewed as a negative thing to me. With all the proof of death and harm it causes, it boggles my mind why anyone would start. It smells disgusting and is expensive too.
I don't mind if someone does it, but I used to work with someone where I would be driving/hit a red light and they'd be burning through a pack of cigarettes. Like you said, do it in moderation. Some people have no self control.
i don't like drinking or smoking myself, and i don’t love being around people that smoke or drink either. being around drinking i can tolerate more as long as people aren’t getting wasted, but smoking is a hard no. especially weed. the smell makes me nauseous. the way people act when high when im sober is also not something i really dig

i’m kinda at the age where smoking = weed, not tobacco, but i do think tobacco and vaping and all that is kinda nasty and i dont want people smoking cigs around me
I don't like either, but I had/have friends who do both, and as long as they don't ask me to join them. Its their choices, and Im not about to change others. Their body, their choice.

Yeah know also dont decide to smoke up a house, I'm fine with it. Vaping and weed I'm fine with, I don't mind being around high people. I've got am uncle who's a stoner.

We have boundaries where if they get the urge to smoke they go outside, and come back in. Which is pretty fair. I chill inside and they go outside for awhile. No big.
At the theater you meet alot of guests who smell like cigars, and you kinda just have to get used to that smell. It's a gross smell, and I hate it. But it's there. Also weed, some guests straight up come as high as a kite.
So it's fine with me. They just can't expect me to join them
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Does smoking, drinking, or using drugs negatively impact my opinion of someone?
No, these things don't define a person's personality most of the time. I have met a few exceptions to this, but even then I didn't have a problem with the person as long as they were respectful.

Do some of the things people do while smoking, drinking, or using drugs affect my opinion of them?
Yes, very much so. Smokers who stand in front of public entrances, blow smoke in other people's faces, refuse to put out their cigarettes around people with genuine medical issues, and litter the ground with cigarette butts are going to bother me. Drinking and driving or becoming an angry and abusive drunk is unacceptable. People who become so addicted to any substance that they neglect their loved ones or drive their family to poverty are not people I will look upon favorably. Finally, anyone who tries to pressure others to do those things is not someone I want to be around.

Can I be friends or romantic partners with someone who smokes, drinks, or uses drugs?
Yes, but with conditions. Obviously, if they do any of the things I listed above, the relationship is not going to last very long. I do not like to have anyone smoking anything in my house or car, so they would have to agree to go outside. I would not want to feel 'used' as a designated driver or caring for someone who constantly got too drunk or too high. I wouldn't mind doing those things on occasion for someone I cared about, but some people expect it all the time and I don't want to deal with that. And, of course, they would have to respect the fact that I don't do those things and don't enjoy going places where that's the main form of entertainment, like bars.
I don't care if I see someone smoking, even though I believe that smoking is bad for you, as long as that person doesn't smoke near me so I can smell it, or throw the cigarette on the ground where something could possibly catch on fire.
Ah, is alcohol included too? That one I don't really care much about unless it's causing noticable problems. I would never drink it myself but my family does and they seem to be pretty responsible about it.
I don’t like smoking & don’t enjoy being around it, but a lot of my friends do so I often find myself joining them in that area. I could never date somebody who smokes either.

As for drugs, I don’t really care what people do with their personal lives, as long as it doesn’t affect me!
I’m honest enough to admit I will judge people a little for doing things I think are stupid. It doesn’t burn me up or consume my thoughts or anything though.
in terms of smoking, as long as they don't smoke near me or blowing the smoke in my face, then i don't really have a problem. i don't really like smoking though, the smell of marijuana and tobacco is sort of disgusting to me.
i don’t judge them but it’s just that i don’t understand why you would start in the first place. i understand that half the time people are being pressured into starting but you’re setting yourself up for guaranteed cancer or other health issues, the same with drugs. marijuana can be used for genuine medical purposes, smells absolutely rancid though.