dr pimple popper - yay or nay

dr pimple popper - yuck or yum?


  • YUCK

  • yall are weird

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There’s just something satisfying about removing something bad from someone’s body! Like ... it’s like when you have a sore muscle and you stretch it just right and it feels better? I also love it when she can help someone who had a lot of discomfort about it and aaah TwT very fun watches haha

There’s just something satisfying about removing something bad from someone’s body! Like ... it’s like when you have a sore muscle and you stretch it just right and it feels better? I also love it when she can help someone who had a lot of discomfort about it and aaah TwT very fun watches haha
i love it. it's so fulfilling to watch, but i also love popping other ppl's blackheads. i can't watch the cysts though, only blackheads.
like i’m fine with my own pimples... but other people’s? i don’t wanna see that lol
I'm with your bf on this one. While I can get why it would be satisfying, I definitely can't stand the sight of liquid coming out of pimples that are obscure colours. Makes me wanna faint lol.
yo omg ;, i thought everyone wanted to watch puss n blood squirt (yall boring)—dw bae im w you here 😌
I don’t mind watching procedures like that. Then again, I frequently watch veterinary shows (I want to be a vet) that show operations like spaying, neutering, other surgery, etc. so the pimples/cysts, especially more rare ones, are just interesting to me, not gross.
Gross, but mostly because they're so extreme. But I don't like people doing it ok themselves either.
Yuck. I'm kind of sensitive to those extreme cases and surgery stuff in general so watching people having tennis ball size pimples in their armpit makes me wiggle.

I cant STAND watching those kinds of videos. Its absolutely revolting to me. That being said I love the feeling of popping my OWN pimples (even if I do it in a way that may give me scarring as I'm a terrible picker). And yeah sometimes I see someone have a big zit and just... I wanna get rid of it. But it ends there. I dont wanna deal with someone else's Zit Fluid. My own? Sure, whatever. Its just when it comes to someone else's that grosses me out.

But again... don't use the word yum. Thats so nasty in this context 😔
i hate that its so disgusting to look at but also hard to look away?? i can't stop looking once i do
damn i did not know this thread would cause such uproar and controversy. i guess in hindsight, “yuck or yum” is not the best way to refer to it, but “yay or nay” literally escaped my mind 😂
i guess bc ive grown up around a lot of really gross injuries and stuff (my mom used to be the director of the intensive care unit) blood and other gross things like pimples dont really phase me as much :0
On a side note, while I’m not a big fan of pimple popping vids, I’m fascinated by earwax removal videos. I find that oddly satisfying so I get where the pimple people are coming from
I don’t mind watching procedures like that. Then again, I frequently watch veterinary shows (I want to be a vet) that show operations like spaying, neutering, other surgery, etc. so the pimples/cysts, especially more rare ones, are just interesting to me, not gross.

First off I wanted to reply to you and say that I also wanna be a vet- but its different between animals and humans to me, y'know? Humans yucky. Animals good.

On top of that I just wanna say this thread gave me a laugh I really, really needed.
My 86 year old Grandmother was watching it while she was talking to me and telling me, in great detail, all the pimples she was watching.

I needed to have a shower.
It depends, some days I find it satisfying some days i just don't wanna deal with it LOL
I'm not morbidly disgusted by it, but I definitely don't find it satisfying. It's kinda gross and I just don't wanna see that 😷