Mayor Name: Jillian
Town Name: Nectere
Dream Address: 4600-2145-6163
If you would like me to PM your feedback, as well as make it public on here: Public is fine
If you plan on being Absent January 1-7 (the distribution dates for 1st prize win): I'll be here
If you would prefer you 1st Place Prize to be in TBT Bells or ACNL Bells: TBT please!
Types of Feedback you are looking for (if any): Everything except the beach would be nice
Thanks for visiting!
Jillian.... Wow.... I mean.... WOW. Nectere.... I am absolutely dumbfounded amazed! You have REALLY outdone yourself. I took 10 pictures because there was just so much I found that I loved that I wanted to document. WELL worth a visit. Whenever I am in need of a tranquil getaway, I will be sure to visit again, that is for sure. Having a late night dream was something special and new and interesting since I usually play at night and most people save during the day. The pink spring cherry blossoms were absolutely enchanting. As soon as I left the bed, that was the first sight I took a picture of: your lovely town tree and the petals flowing gently in the breeze: What a lovely moment to capture your town in!
The next thing I noticed on my stroll was your flower clock, signifying your Perfect Town Status! Congratulations! One thing that was a recurrent theme was symmetry, which is something I sincerely appreciated in your town PWP planning. You put A LOT of effort in making sure everything was positioned correctly and spaced equally, as in this case, with the fountains on either side:
There was certainly no lack of hybrids in your town, or flowers at all. Houses and PWPs were surrounded by similarly coloured flowers and patterns, also carefully placed. Your PWPs served both function and aesthetic appeal, such as your picnic blanket, and was positioned in the best place imaginable, near a pond, and some shady trees surrounded by tulips:
Then I got to meet YOU! THe Mayor! I didn't quite get what you meant by "whelmed" - as in "overwhelmed?" XD By the abundance of beauty of your town, certainly! I always try to take a snapshot with the Mayor
Then I visited your house

I found there was a lot of empty, unused space in many of the rooms. This was one of the coolest rooms I saw, the upstairs:
But I have to say THIS room was my favourite. Stale Cupcakes playing made it extra magical too. Something peaceful about it

I like the use of blue and white roses for decoration.
I was quite impressed with your paths. I have seen many paths in the dreams I have had, some very poorly done, but yours seemed like very realistic stonework tile. And your illusion of stairs! Its something I have seen before, but you implemented it quite well. Well done. And once again, this picture demonstrates good use of decorative PWPs in well-placed areas.
Actually, while I was posting these pictures on Miiverse, people were requesting your DA so they could see your town for themselves and get inspiration, thats how impressive it was from the pictures alone! Look forward to more visitors!
This view of the night sky was absolutely stunning, I HAD to take a picture. Once again, the effectiveness of the symmetry of your PWPs. The lights were so enchanting in the night sky, with the moon and stars and everything it was so nice! Truly magical. Very well-designed.
Once again the theme of symmetry and the functionality of beautiful PWPs - metal benches on either side of the bridge. A nice place to take your to-go cup of Brewster's coffee and sit by the riverbank.
Lastly, before I awoke from my slumber I wandered around a bit more and came across a zen area with a zen bell and zen garden, and then, to my surprise, a secret secluded cove surrounded by bamboo and bushes where you could find tranquillity and peace in this little garden.
An ABSOLUTELY AMAZING TOWN. I will admit, even though you told me not to, I did check out your beaches, and to be honest, I saw very little problem with them. There was no litter. Yes, they were bare, no coconut or banana trees, but I am not going to dock marks for it when you blow me away with a dreaming experience like this! There were no hybrids (that's a pet peeve of mine) you kept all your flowers in your town and neatly organized as they should be. I even got to say hello to a resident of my own town, Savannah who was in her home. EXCELLENT JOB. I am thoroughly impressed. Bravo!
Thank you for participating! It was truly a pleasure dreaming of your town! I will transfer the 10 TBT bells at the end of the contest if you are not chosen as the winner from now until the 30th. There are still many contestants ahead! I hope you will someday Dream of Ivy Wood!