Senior Member
Mayor Name: Nana
Town Name: Konpeito
Dream Address: 4600-2688-4121
If you would like me to PM your feedback, as well as make it public on here: I'm fine with either
If you plan on being Absent January 1-7 (the distribution dates for 1st prize win): Nope
If you would prefer you 1st Place Prize to be in TBT Bells or ACNL Bells: TBT please!
Types of Feedback you are looking for (if any): I'm basically done my town, but if you have any suggestions I'd be glad to hear them!
Well, I found dreaming of your town quite enjoyable. Yet another town saved during the spring cherry blossom season! How enchanting! It was very magical. The first picture I took was of your lovely town tree in full bloom, with pink petals blowing in the breeze. But I did note the litter of clothing items and streetpass items in the area.

I quite like how you arranged your flowers. The orange mixed with black lilies made for a nice combination here. Flowers surrounded villager homes and were carefully ordered and placed. Well done. However I could see the beach from this view, which made me want to take a closer look.....

As you may have seen from my other reviews, a pet peeve of mine is flowers on beaches. In your case, aesthetically appealing? Yes, maybe, however, there were an overabundance of them and your sandy paths seemed unnecessary. Your ordinary pathways leading down to your beaches were littered with giant clam shells and coral simply because there was no room for it anywhere else on your beach! To me, and this is just my humble opinion, beaches should have sand, shells and palm trees, nothing else, but I am not about to judge how people play and base my evaluation on my opinions! It is just a pet peeve.

Then I went around visiting homes. Normally, if there are multiple, I just visit the mayor's home and evaluate that, but I was curious so I visited them all.
This pic I found particularly amusing. As soon as I walked in Shibe's house, I was greeted with THIS! (Sorry for the Best Friend message that popped up at the moment I took thew picture)

Shibe's house was clearly a schoolhouse complete with a nurse's office, a library, cafeteria, a lab, and a music room - but no gym class!
Momo greeted me outside of the Konpeito Inn, a Japanese Style Bath House complete with Spa Rooms, Tea Rooms, Buffet Rooms and even a Social Lounge in the Basement with a piano and a pool table - very classy place to be!
Lapin greeted me in French, which luckily since I am Canadian, I understood, and I believe she said "Being a celebrity is difficult" which made her house a little easier to understand because at first it made no sense at all - and perhaps you could clarify. One room was a corner store, another was a tropical resort, another was an old western type room..... were these depicting scenes from movies she was in? If so, that is very clever. And it certainly told a story by dreaming of your town - something I was looking for when dreaming of towns. It was very unclear because I didn't see any cameras or lights (which are furniture items you can get) that would explain that these are movie scenes a little more.
Then I walked around a bit.... AND I FELL IN A PITFALL! :O Haha!

This particular spot was nice. A picnic blanket by the riverbank! I can just imagine the surrounding carnations making it very sweet-smelling.

This was one of my favourite places.... a really nice place to take a nap under the shady trees! And the dandelion puffs! I LOVE blowing on them, its a favourite past time

Then I came across your house. GREAT choice of location, by the way. You know what they say, LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! Beautiful spot. Well-decorated too, with bushes and trees. Now, something I noticed as I walked around your town.... and you can see it in this photo too... are wrapped presents. Either with wrapping paper or gifts. I came across balloon furniture, wrapped streetpass items, random clothing items, even a newsprint helmet, just littering the town in seemingly random places.

This was my favourite room in your house though. I am a big fan of the Alpine series, and the custom design you chose to refurbish it with is gorgeous. It was very warm and welcoming. In all the houses I found no lack of lily record players! You seem to really like them. Just an observation. XD

Then I got to meet YOU! The Mayor! I always try to take a pic of meeting the mayor, so here is us. Funny, when I met Beau, he has the same Catchphrase.

This was a beautiful entryway from the Train Station to greet your guests, I thought:

Then outside Re-Tail I came across a strange downward staircase tile....? Leading underground....? To where....?

Lastly, in my personal opinion, for function's sake, these two benches were placed in too close proximity to each other. Perhaps put one of them closer to Brewster's? Just an idea.

Anyway! That's my feedback! Thank you for participating! It is a lovely town! I will transfer the 10 TBT at the end of the contest as I mentioned in my first post. I hope someday you will Dream of Ivy Wood!
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