Mayor Name: Marcus
Town Name: Pucchin
Dream Address: 5800-4155-0731
If you would like me to PM your feedback, as well as make it public on here: I'm fine with both.
If you plan on being Absent January 1-7 (the distribution dates for 1st prize win) no
If you would prefer you 1st Place Prize to be in TBT Bells or ACNL Bells:tbt bells
Types of Feedback you are looking for (if any): Any


Another Winter Wonderland! :) My first impression were your very festive and detailed paths and the moat that surrounded the town tree, as well as other PWPs. There was another moat area with 3 wrapped gifts.... I wondered if they were for me....

Sure enough, I opened them and (assumingly) they were: an ice cream, a bubble wand and throwing beans. I realized the more I have dreamed that people leave gifts for the dreamer. However in most cases I consider them litter. There is a fine line. Unless there is a clear distinction, some indication that those items belong to me, I won't take them or use them. And you laid out a clear area with wrapped gifts, so in this instance, I evaluate this "litter" on a case by case basis, and consider it as a gift rather than litter, and will not deduct points for it. I appreciate the gifts, and I walked around with them. It was fun :) In the case of other people who left me gifts (clothing items, streetpass items, etc) there was no distinction made that they were for me, and so I considered them litter, even if they were wrapped. I hope this clarifies the litter/gifts point for people.....
However in this instance here, the candy on the bridge WOULD be considered litter and points would be deducted:

Then, I got to meet Lily! I HAD to take a pic with her! She is my FAVE! "Dreamie" if you will, though not really, since I am not trying to achieve her. She lived in Ivy Wood and her and I were besties and then she moved suddenly :'( I made a memorial site in her honour - a stone tablet where her house once stood surrounded by bushes and lily hybrids. I miss her dearly. It was nice seeing her again.

Maple's home was adorable - a little cafe house! I liked it. And it was playing Cafe K. K. too! Reminded me of Sprinkle's house.

This was one of my favourite spots in town. A LOT of care was put into your paths, so well done. My only criticism is your intersections. The corners should have a joint piece to make a smoother transition. But they are lovely paths, with the bells and holly!

Another favourite place in town, the Flower Clock! Perfect Town Status Achieved! Congrats!

I counted 3 or 4 fountains in your town surrounded by hybrids, but this was my favourite and the most extravagant, and positioned nicely right near the train station to greet guests as they come to visit your town!

Then I got to meet you, Mayor Marcus, outside your house:

This was my favourite room is your house, the study. If this picture had a caption it would be: "Hmmm... yes, quite, indeed..." XD

Pucchin has a recycling program! Hooray for environmentally-friendly towns! I love this PWP..... it was well-placed, near Re-Tail.

I found the placement of these water tiles to be a bit odd, between the trees, but that's just me.

Another pic of pretty scenery in your town!

Lastly, I inspected your beach, as I do with every town. And again, its another one of those "fine line" scenarios. To me, flowers and paths do not belong on beaches, but your arrangement of palm trees and organization of hybrids made is aesthetically appealing. You still had room for shells. Your ramps WERE littered with shells, which was a no-no. But otherwise although I have a pet peeve of flowers and paths on beaches, you will lose marks but not as many as others who use their beach as "storage" per se. Yours had a decorative function to it and was well-thought out. However I saw NO banana trees! Only coconut! So you will be docked marks for that. :p

Anyway, that is my evaluation! Thank you SO much for participating! It was a lovely town! I will transfer the 10 TBT when the contest is over. I hope someday you will dream of Ivy Wood!
Thanka for the great review, I changed The beach as soon I can before it was littered and now it's more arranged also i put the shells there because it was the beach I thought that a pathway with shells would work and look nice lol, also I jad a lot of fountains because they were the only pwp that I had before and looked nice so I used that and now I don't want to remove them also the paths had an edge piece but I had no path space :( and the trees are supposed to have a tree in water look lol and I also like the study also did you notice the mini cozy place behind the last book shelf there's a small chair :) and thanks again.
Lol even the really good towns are getting criticism. I'm worried for mine lol. But don't hold back. Constructive criticism just makes a person better at stuff :)
Lol even the really good towns are getting criticism. I'm worried for mine lol. But don't hold back. Constructive criticism just makes a person better at stuff :)

Yeah, but it's all based on user preference. All that really matters is that you like your town. :)

I'll be visiting yours! I'm loving visiting everyone's towns here. I like seeing all the paths and setups people are doing.
Mayor Name: Steve
Town Name: Startown
Dream Address: sig
(If not already accurately in your signature)
If you would like me to PM your feedback, as well as make it public on here: VM it.
If you plan on being Absent January 1-7 (the distribution dates for 1st prize win): No.
If you would prefer you 1st Place Prize to be in TBT Bells or ACNL Bells: TBTB
Types of Feedback you are looking for (if any): Anything
Many dont bother with the path corner pieces since theyre mostly a waste. It's alot prettier if instead you pick some other qrs to sprinkle in your town :u Sure it can stick out but I'd rather spend 5 qrs on my main path than 13.
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Many dont bother with the path corner pieces since theyre mostly a waste. It's alot prettier if instead you pick some other qrs to sprinkle in your town :u Sure it can stick out but I'd rather spend 5 qrs on my main path than 13.

I have 19 though TT_TT
Mayor Name: Leeling
Town Name: Flora
Dream Address: Sig
(If not already accurately in your signature)
If you would like me to PM your feedback, as well as make it public on here: Both would be great
If you plan on being Absent January 1-7 (the distribution dates for 1st prize win): I think so
If you would prefer you 1st Place Prize to be in TBT Bells or ACNL Bells: ACNL bells
Types of Feedback you are looking for (if any): Any!

My town is still a work in progress! And my beach is going to bother you so bad! xD
I very much enjoy reading your reviews.

In regards to putting hybrid flowers on the beach, I cannot speak for other players, but I have a very sentimental reason that may be of interest to you (since I get the impression you wonder why anyone would put flowers there rather than the town itself):

Since my town has all the hybrid flowers I want for it, why store more on the beach?

Many months ago when I was a much more naive player, a mean-spirited guest showed particular malice in the destruction of my town. I was prepared to stop playing the game, but one of the reasons I did not quit was the overwhelming amount of support given me here at TBT and GameFAQ.

And one of the most memorable offers was by a member here who showed me to her beach filled with hybrid flowers and told me to pick out any amount I want (i.e., even more than what was taken, if I was so inclined). Out of gratitude, I gave in return several rare items I never intended to part with, and waved away her question along the lines of 'Are you sure?' with something along the lines 'Good friends are worth far more than all the rare items.'

So... I have been trying to fill my beach with hybrid flowers, too, so that, if someone else is so unfortunate in learning 'the hard way' what it means to leave your town unattended with the gate open, I can invite them to my town to pick all the hybrid flowers on the beach.

Even though I have not offered up my town for review, I have been thinking about it, though for now just wanted to share my reason for a hybrid-flower-filled-beach to give an idea why it might be done besides just for storage.
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I very much enjoy reading your reviews.

In regards to putting hybrid flowers on the beach, I cannot speak for other players, but I have a very sentimental reason that may be of interest to you (since I get the impression you wonder why anyone would put flowers there rather than the town itself):

Since my town has all the hybrid flowers I want for it, why store more on the beach?

Many months ago when I was a much more naive player, a mean-spirited guest showed particular malice in the destruction of my town. I was prepared to stop playing the game, but one of the reasons I did not quit was the overwhelming show of support given me here at TBT and GameFAQ.

And one of the most memorable offers was by a member here who showed me to her beach filled with hybrid flowers and told me to pick out everyone I want (i.e., even more than what was taken, if I was so inclined). Out of gratitude, I gave in return several rare items I never intended to part with, and waved away her question along the lines of 'Are you sure?' with something along the lines 'Good friends are worth far more than all the rare items.'

So... I have been trying to fill my beach with hybrid flowers, too, so that, if someone else is so unfortunate in learning 'the hard way' what it means to leave your town unattended with the gate open, I can invite them to my town to pick all the hybrid flowers on the beach.

Even though I have not offered up my town for review, I have been thinking about it, though for now just wanted to share my reason for a hybrid-flower-filled-beach to give an idea why it might be done besides just for storage.
Yeah the beach is nice for that. I like to put my spare flowers there so I know exactly what I have with a quick check. Like if I trample a flower or decide to change a thing all I have to do is check the beach and take what I want. Since all the flowers are spares I let my friends pick up any they want aswell. Much easier than inventory.
Thanka for the great review, I changed The beach as soon I can before it was littered and now it's more arranged also i put the shells there because it was the beach I thought that a pathway with shells would work and look nice lol, also I jad a lot of fountains because they were the only pwp that I had before and looked nice so I used that and now I don't want to remove them also the paths had an edge piece but I had no path space :( and the trees are supposed to have a tree in water look lol and I also like the study also did you notice the mini cozy place behind the last book shelf there's a small chair :) and thanks again.

I DID notice the cozy patchwork chair and lamp in the study! It was very sweet and cozy. As Lily would say, "a nice place to curl up and read a book!"

And as with ANY of my reviews or constructive criticisms, PLEASE don't feel inclined to rush to go change your town just because ONE PERSON (me) has an opinion towards it! If YOU think the shells on the ramps look nice, keep them there! By all means! I am not a law-giver. I am just here to give humble feedback. :) Same goes for everyone else I review, okay guys?

I got your PM about the candy too, how it was a snack for me along the way. Again, its a "fine line", but there was no indication it was for me, so I assumed it was litter. I am sorry.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Lol even the really good towns are getting criticism. I'm worried for mine lol. But don't hold back. Constructive criticism just makes a person better at stuff :)

Don't be worried! I reward EVERYONE for participating! You're ALL helping me out. And I want to give you guys thorough feedback. I certainly won't hold back in any town, but I always ind positive things in every town I visit. You guys are lovely and put a lot of work in your towns. I honour that.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I have 19 though TT_TT

Putting that little extra bit of effort really DOES make a difference in my opinion, but that's just me.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I very much enjoy reading your reviews.

In regards to putting hybrid flowers on the beach, I cannot speak for other players, but I have a very sentimental reason that may be of interest to you (since I get the impression you wonder why anyone would put flowers there rather than the town itself):

Since my town has all the hybrid flowers I want for it, why store more on the beach?

Many months ago when I was a much more naive player, a mean-spirited guest showed particular malice in the destruction of my town. I was prepared to stop playing the game, but one of the reasons I did not quit was the overwhelming amount of support given me here at TBT and GameFAQ.

And one of the most memorable offers was by a member here who showed me to her beach filled with hybrid flowers and told me to pick out any amount I want (i.e., even more than what was taken, if I was so inclined). Out of gratitude, I gave in return several rare items I never intended to part with, and waved away her question along the lines of 'Are you sure?' with something along the lines 'Good friends are worth far more than all the rare items.'

So... I have been trying to fill my beach with hybrid flowers, too, so that, if someone else is so unfortunate in learning 'the hard way' what it means to leave your town unattended with the gate open, I can invite them to my town to pick all the hybrid flowers on the beach.

Even though I have not offered up my town for review, I have been thinking about it, though for now just wanted to share my reason for a hybrid-flower-filled-beach to give an idea why it might be done besides just for storage.

That's an inspiring story, and like I said, its a fine line, and I evaluate on a case by case basis. Much like litter is on a case by case basis. I am glad there are nice and generous players like you who are willing to share your hybrids but I still feel an area of your town can be sanctioned off for hybrid sharing. People have done that for me in the past (take me to an area of their town to choose carnations for instance, as a tip). Some agree, some disagree with flowers being on beaches, its really up to the player. I am not about to judge how people play. I don't dock a whole TON of marks for it, especially if they are neatly arranged and carefully placed and aesthetically appealing, Mostly if I find garbage like furniture or empty cans or used fireworks, or things like that will cause more marks to be docked. Ideally both banana and coconut palm trees should be there. Shells should be on the sand only, but can be dropped anywhere on the beach. And paths, though seemingly decorative, are unnecessary. That is just my humble opinion. That doesn't mean these lovely towns need to go changing their designs because "I say so", no, that is just the criteria I am using.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yeah the beach is nice for that. I like to put my spare flowers there so I know exactly what I have with a quick check. Like if I trample a flower or decide to change a thing all I have to do is check the beach and take what I want. Since all the flowers are spares I let my friends pick up any they want aswell. Much easier than inventory.

When I take a look at your town I will see what you mean. Its just a pet peeve of mine. No biggie. You shouldn't trample your flowers, you should treat them with care. Spares are nice, but there shouldn't be an overabundance of flowers in your town so much so that it overflows to your beach, in my opinion.
I very much enjoy reading your reviews.

In regards to putting hybrid flowers on the beach, I cannot speak for other players, but I have a very sentimental reason that may be of interest to you (since I get the impression you wonder why anyone would put flowers there rather than the town itself):

Since my town has all the hybrid flowers I want for it, why store more on the beach?

Many months ago when I was a much more naive player, a mean-spirited guest showed particular malice in the destruction of my town. I was prepared to stop playing the game, but one of the reasons I did not quit was the overwhelming amount of support given me here at TBT and GameFAQ.

And one of the most memorable offers was by a member here who showed me to her beach filled with hybrid flowers and told me to pick out any amount I want (i.e., even more than what was taken, if I was so inclined). Out of gratitude, I gave in return several rare items I never intended to part with, and waved away her question along the lines of 'Are you sure?' with something along the lines 'Good friends are worth far more than all the rare items.'

So... I have been trying to fill my beach with hybrid flowers, too, so that, if someone else is so unfortunate in learning 'the hard way' what it means to leave your town unattended with the gate open, I can invite them to my town to pick all the hybrid flowers on the beach.

Even though I have not offered up my town for review, I have been thinking about it, though for now just wanted to share my reason for a hybrid-flower-filled-beach to give an idea why it might be done besides just for storage.

I think that is a great reason to grow hybrids on your beach. That's such a nice thing to do.You're so thoughtful.
I think that is a great reason to grow hybrids on your beach. That's such a nice thing to do.You're so thoughtful.

I agree! But for the purposes of this contest I can't award brownie points to people who grow hybrids on their beach to share, verses those who use them for storage, verses those who use them for decoration, because its difficult to make that distinction and I have to evaluate on a case by case basis, as I said. :c
Just occurred to me my last line could give the impression I was concerned about points being docked for flowers on the beach.

If I phrased it better, what I intended was that I am concerned simply with your question of why people would put flowers on the beach.
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Holy crap. Now I know to strictly watch everyone who visits. I don't want my work of art desttoyed
Just occurred to me my last line could give the impression I was concerned about points being docked for flowers on the beach.

If I phrased it better, what I intended was that I am concerned simply with your question of why people would put flowers on the beach.

Either way, I have to evaluate everyone equally, under the same criteria. Your explanation is completely justifiable and warms my heart, but I don't want dozens of people to make the same claim as you, "Oh I only use my beach to share hybrids tooooo!" and try to get brownie points for generosity. That's not fair.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Holy crap. Now I know to strictly watch everyone who visits. I don't want my work of art desttoyed

I have had hybrids stolen before when strangers have visited. Some people are mean. But A LOT of people are nice on here. If you suspect anything, flip the wifi switch. I unfortunately at the time didn't know you could do that. Keep an eye on people until you grow to trust them. I only let "best friends" leave my sight, and even then....
I dunno about best friends! I had one to visit my town multiple times over a period of around two weeks then one day my hybrids disappeared and she left me a gift which she had never done before o_o needless to say, she was deleted, not from this forum though.