Senior Member
Mayor Name: Marcus
Town Name: Pucchin
Dream Address: 5800-4155-0731
If you would like me to PM your feedback, as well as make it public on here: I'm fine with both.
If you plan on being Absent January 1-7 (the distribution dates for 1st prize win) no
If you would prefer you 1st Place Prize to be in TBT Bells or ACNL Bells:tbt bells
Types of Feedback you are looking for (if any): Any
Another Winter Wonderland!

Sure enough, I opened them and (assumingly) they were: an ice cream, a bubble wand and throwing beans. I realized the more I have dreamed that people leave gifts for the dreamer. However in most cases I consider them litter. There is a fine line. Unless there is a clear distinction, some indication that those items belong to me, I won't take them or use them. And you laid out a clear area with wrapped gifts, so in this instance, I evaluate this "litter" on a case by case basis, and consider it as a gift rather than litter, and will not deduct points for it. I appreciate the gifts, and I walked around with them. It was fun
However in this instance here, the candy on the bridge WOULD be considered litter and points would be deducted:

Then, I got to meet Lily! I HAD to take a pic with her! She is my FAVE! "Dreamie" if you will, though not really, since I am not trying to achieve her. She lived in Ivy Wood and her and I were besties and then she moved suddenly :'( I made a memorial site in her honour - a stone tablet where her house once stood surrounded by bushes and lily hybrids. I miss her dearly. It was nice seeing her again.

Maple's home was adorable - a little cafe house! I liked it. And it was playing Cafe K. K. too! Reminded me of Sprinkle's house.

This was one of my favourite spots in town. A LOT of care was put into your paths, so well done. My only criticism is your intersections. The corners should have a joint piece to make a smoother transition. But they are lovely paths, with the bells and holly!

Another favourite place in town, the Flower Clock! Perfect Town Status Achieved! Congrats!

I counted 3 or 4 fountains in your town surrounded by hybrids, but this was my favourite and the most extravagant, and positioned nicely right near the train station to greet guests as they come to visit your town!

Then I got to meet you, Mayor Marcus, outside your house:

This was my favourite room is your house, the study. If this picture had a caption it would be: "Hmmm... yes, quite, indeed..." XD

Pucchin has a recycling program! Hooray for environmentally-friendly towns! I love this PWP..... it was well-placed, near Re-Tail.

I found the placement of these water tiles to be a bit odd, between the trees, but that's just me.

Another pic of pretty scenery in your town!

Lastly, I inspected your beach, as I do with every town. And again, its another one of those "fine line" scenarios. To me, flowers and paths do not belong on beaches, but your arrangement of palm trees and organization of hybrids made is aesthetically appealing. You still had room for shells. Your ramps WERE littered with shells, which was a no-no. But otherwise although I have a pet peeve of flowers and paths on beaches, you will lose marks but not as many as others who use their beach as "storage" per se. Yours had a decorative function to it and was well-thought out. However I saw NO banana trees! Only coconut! So you will be docked marks for that.

Anyway, that is my evaluation! Thank you SO much for participating! It was a lovely town! I will transfer the 10 TBT when the contest is over. I hope someday you will dream of Ivy Wood!