Mayor Name: Leighann
Town Name: Starmie
Dream Address: 4100-3389-3770
If you would like me to PM your feedback, as well as make it public on here: Any choice is fine with me

If you plan on being Absent January 1-7 (the distribution dates for 1st prize win): I should be available, no worries
If you would prefer you 1st Place Prize to be in TBT Bells or ACNL Bells: TBT please!
Types of Feedback you are looking for (if any): Everything? Any feedback is fine with me though
And the competition get FIERCE! I dreamed of Starmie and this was a town that's whole purpose was to flaunt and show off, in my opinion. From rare furniture collections, to seas of hybrids, to seas of perfect fruit.... THIS was a town that expressed pride and care.
For this review I took more photos than any other review because there was just so much abundance and so much to talk about.
Starmie was highly developed and PWPs were well-thought out and well-organized, in my opinion (for the most part), though I had some critiques, which I will mention as I go below.
My first impression was the circle of tools and outfits and tools and gifts surrounding the town tree area. I know these were left for me - or were they? They could very well be used for you for your convenience and be considered litter as well. Lyoid the Gyoid privoids me with tools - I see no reason why I would need a silver or gold axe for instance to go chopping your lovely trees, which by the way, were in perfect symmetry, something I took careful note of. In my town, my trees are scattered for a more natural foresty look, because its based of the woods of Riverwood in Skyrim (Ivy Wood was supposed to be named Riverwood, but it was too many letters long), but the structure and organization of your trees, being your preference, is noted and appreciated.
The first thing I took note of is this area of rare stumps and collection of perfect fruit - every kind imaginable, and 9 of each. Impressive, but considered "litter" nonetheles, and as impressed as I am that you managed to place all 4 rare stumps in symmetrical order, and collected all the perfect fruits, the fruit baskets themselves, unfortunately will be docked a few points for litter. As will the tools. Not a whole ton, but a few, since they were unnecessary and could e used by you as much as they could be "gifts" for me.
This was one of my favourite areas in town. Simple, yet beautiful. A picnic bench with a hammock behind it.

It tells a story. Thats what I am looking for when I dream of towns. I can just imagine the sweet smelling flowers as you stop here on a nice spring or autumn day. Really well done. There was function, yet aesthetic appeal to it as well.
This spot broke my heart. Did someone move out?! Someone dear to you? I grow really attached to my villagers..... whenever one suddenly loves out I build a memorial site PWP in their honour to remember them by where their house once stood. I am sentimental like that. But that's just me.
This was another "story telling" PWP set up that I quite liked. This summertime view over the cliffside that overlooked the ocean view and the sea air next to Brewster's. I even noticed you were kind enough to leave me a coffee outside Brewster's so I could partake in this special spot. So thank you. I won't consider that litter. That was intentionally left for the Dreamer, since we can't access Brewster's. The cliffside was covered in Jacob's ladders which was quite impressive too and made for quite a sight. But there was a romantic feel to this spot, sharing a to-go coffee with a friend as you watch the sun go down.... it was very nice.... Well done.
There was an abundance of hybrids in your town in MANY places. I documented a few:
Then there was your MASSIVE orchard of Perfect Cherries, of which I hid myself in: XD
Then I took a look at your beach and felt very conflicted: On the one side, was a storage of black roses (not to mention every wetsuit available littering the ramps, possibly for me, possibly for you - there is a fine line with litter, and in this case, I would consider it litter because it could be used for you, and used to flaunt your collection of wetsuits).
On the other hand, THIS area of the beach was perfect, with palm trees and nothing but sand and seashells. So do I award points? Or dock points? Since your black roses has no aesthetic organization to them (as I have seen in other towns, where there has been a pattern or functional purpose), they appeared only for storage, and there was clothing littering the ground (regardless if it was for me or not), I will decide to dock marks, unfortunately.
This is another one of those PWP arrangements that told me a story: a water fountain next to a decorative metal bench by Re-tail. What a nice pitt stop to take a break on your walk to and from there! It just seemed so pleasant and well-placed. Well done again!
Then I took a look at your house. Not only are you a collector of wetsuits and perfect fruit, you also collect villager pics. It was shocking. You even had pics of villagers that weren't in your town. I am not sure if you are a cycler, if they once lived there, or if you bought them or got them from friends.... but you had a TON of pictures! It was nice seeing Hazel and Whitney - two of my villagers. When I saw that Whitney lived in your town, I made it my mission to find her.
Here was another collectors room. Congrats on getting the ABD and obviously the Gold Bell Savers Badge! You had a LOT of rare DLC in this room like the Afternoon Tea Set, Yule Log, Berliner, Holiday Stocking, but most in particular, the full Zodiac set, only accessible to time travellers or sold by them. I am not sure how I feel about this, if you bought it or how you attained it, and I am not about to judge how people play. That's not my goal in this dream town contest. But it WAS impressive to see this collection here! I will admit!
I DID meet Whitney outside after visiting your house and she told me her opinion of you. It was a bit harsh....
I particularly like towns with instrument shelters. Its a great PWP. And it forecasted great news!
I came across this fountain and your Flower Clock in the furthest reaches of your town, when in my opinion, they should be the focal point! Having a perfect town is something to be proud about, and your town is rich in hybrids, so make use of them! The flower clock should be, again, in my opinion, placed somewhere close to the train station to greet your guests as they come in - surround it with bushes and hybrids and make it extravagant! I know you can! That's just my humble suggestion....
Again with the abundance or decoration, I came across a large patch of clovers near the tracks. They seemed more like a collection than decoration however.
Lastly, before I woke up, I thought I would experiment with some of the "gifts" anyway.... and WHAT ON EARTH IS A MYSTERY BAG?! LOL!
Anyway, I was truly impressed with your town, you put a LOT of work into it, that's for sure. I will transfer the 10 TBT bells when the contest is over Thank you for participating! It was a pleasure dreaming of your town!