I thought i would bring your attention to this article which is in egm's magazine which claims that the DS Lite is being released in May. Check it out here
:huh: And what exactly are your thoughts on the subject, TK? Cause I say it is stretching an April Fool's joke that appeared on NSider on April 1st. [/quote]
Well it sounds very logical because it is a great time to release the system alongside the new super mario bros. The last time north america had a mario game released on a sunday was super mario 64 and it came bundled with the 64
and guess what day the new super mario bros is being released
And I should check up when this article was released...
EGM's April Fools joke was that "iGame" thing. Nintendo already said that they planned on releasing the DS Lite around the time New Super Mario Bros. releases.
EGM's April Fools joke was that "iGame" thing. Nintendo already said that they planned on releasing the DS Lite around the time New Super Mario Bros. releases.