Dumb things you did in AC when you were new to it

I tried so hard to catch a jellyfish when diving and got really frustrated cause I really wanted (still want :( ) a jellyfish in my house.
And, of course, wasted my perfect fruit by sending it to one of my neighbors, thought I was pretty smart since in WW you would get non-native fruits by doing this, and since it was perfect i just had to get one (got some cheap furniture or something instead)
I ated in my very first town the perfect fruit.
And sayed a cute villagers(duh,I think it was Fauna)to go when she asked me without knowing that I don't haved see her again. :(
On AC for GC, I named my town Hawaii because I thought I'd really move there :p and in NL I sold my only perfect fruit because I didn't even know about them orz
- I didn't know that you could choose a different map.
- I ruined all my grass.
- I ate my first perfect fruit.
- I didn't buy sloppy furniture at Re-tail.
- I sold my sloppy furniture.
- I have voided so many villagers.. ( Like Diana, Stitches, Whitney and others..)
- I placed a pwp when villagers moved out.
- I never asked for a present at Pelly/Phyllis.
Oh mines perfect, I was pretty young so that's my excuse; the question that defines your town name "where are you going" I didn't click you needed to type in a town name, and attempted to put in "I don't know" it didn't fit, so I ended up naming my town "dunno" I wasn't the brightest child. Named my old town in New Leaf "dunno" too for funny nostalgia
Most of my dumb moments are from New Leaf. See, I played wild world but lost the game card after ten days. Needless to say new leaf came out at that point(since I was late getting the game in the first place) and I just said "screw it, I'm moving on."

My first problem was lifting items. Oh god, I nearly threw away the game over this. Until I randomly pressed the Y button and boom, lifted a flower. Then there was the whole thinking I could water trees and save them. As well as planting them anywhere. XD So I spent endless time watering trees with frustration.
In City Folk:
-I thought the symbol for things buried in the ground were starfish, so I kept on trying to pick them up
-When I first saw a beehive fall out of a tree, I thought it was a hat and went around to pick it up
-I read through the guide and thought you had to stand in FRONT of the bus stop to go to the city, not ON it.
-I used to run all over my town, and now it looks hideous ;_;
-I sold my first coconut.
-I didn't know what pitfall seeds did and thought that the things I fell in were quicksand, and one day, I found a pitfall seed in the lost property and thought it would grow a tree. I then walked forward and fell in it.
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I put a lot of shirts in my house...

Like seriously half of the house was filled with clothing.
When I had first gotten new leaf, I just picked a random town map and wound up hating it and restarted. The second time around I picked a better map and I'm slowly getting close to finishing my town.
In Wild World, I time skipped waaaay too much. Weeds. Weeds everywhere. Oh, and lost a lot of my fave villagers. My favorite was Snake (Yeah I know he's not exactly the mega fave in popularity but he was the one that staid the longest).

In new leaf it was the amount of running around I did. I have so much grass wear it isn't even funny. Thankfully I've restarted and the grass wear is more isolated and I can fix it. Before reset, I didn't bother buying the sloppy series and let a lot of my fave villagers leave (Marshall, Fuchsia, Julian...sighs). The last thing before the reset was bamboo...I didn't realize how crazy bamboo could be after I time traveled a bit too much. Sure the grass wear was gone but it took days for me to get rid of it all.
I put a lot of shirts in my house...

Like seriously half of the house was filled with clothing.

I totally did this too! In AC for the GC I for some reason wanted to collect all the clothing??? So my house was FILLED.
When I first played Wild World, I used to water my weeds with the watering can because I thought they would grow into trees xD. And every time my sister picked my weeds I would freak out xD

And then I accidentally reset my first ever Wild World town :(. So many memories......

At least I still have a video of it on YouTube xD
Oh my god! When I first, I thought that every plant needed watering so for a loooong time I would water every sapling I planted. Plus, when they died from being too close to a rock or something, I'd still water them and be so confused. I was such a fetus
I thought you had to eat to stay alive, so I would eat cherries every single day.
Needless to say, I found out Animal Crossing was NOT a survival game. xD
In the original Animal Crossing tutorial (working for Nook), I thought Tom Nook knew what I was typing on the bulletin board. I worked extra hard to make a good advertisement for his shop just like he asked, and over-thought every word, fearing that he would hate it. "He would get me fired! I'll never get to pay off my loan D:"

Turns out, he has no idea what you write. By the next save file, I was typing 'Nook is stupid' and feeling so proud of myself