Cycling Dustygirl's Cycling:Peggy the Peppy Pig

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I don't want Coco to go to the void so I'll hold her for a little longer. I'll check back between 3 0r 4 pm est, and hopefully someone will want her.
Can I adopt her ?

Err or I guess that person really wants coco.
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ladder shades? oh my! I'll have to pick up a pair ;w;

turning on ds right now!
I went to sleep, worked, ate, slept some more and just came back online. <3 Just glad to see she went to a good home. ^_^
Amelia the snooty eagle is in boxes and looking for a new home.

Amelia was voided.
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Cookie the cute peppy dog is in boxes waiting to go to a new home.
Please someone adopted this little cutie. I do not want to void.
LOL, ACTUALLY... that is why I'm getting her. I just pm'ed her to tell her I was going to pick up Cookie for her daughter. I can hold until she gets back : )
Because she so graciously gave up Fauna to Twilight. I thought the least I could do was jump on this one for her. I checked first to see if she was online, and then I just pm'ed her.

My son accidentally TT'ed HIS FAV Nibbles into boxes yesterday, so he has a spot open. FC in my siggy, although I think you're already in mine.
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