Enchanted Elixirs - Ended!

Deku Shrub in a Jar
Activation: JUST ADD WATER (and a prick of blood)
Effect: The blood and water will quickly animate and grow the deku shrub statue respectively, enlivening it to combat.

I used a little deku shrub pawn, a clipping from a random thorny stem growing out of my hedges, and a little bit of crumbled nuts.
In the bright of day, this lil monster with its big eyes almost seem gentle and adorable.. but in the darkness of the night, those same eyes pierce with an eerie energy. You see, it's been sitting and waiting for the next victim in need of the elixir, that unfortunately requires a bite from the dubious creature to momentarily change ones appearance to a random state. If one is in dire need of being hidden, this elixir may be an option worth suffering through.


Elixer of Restlessness:
As your hands become fidgety and your mind begins to wander, you wonder, “How will I ever finish this project?”. In your restive state you reach into the elixir container and grab one of it many contents. Spinning, squeezing, throwing or some various form of interaction with the contents inside, you feel that this may soothe your mind. As time goes on though, these restless feelings and thoughts only grow and grow, causing you to interact with these objects even more. Unbeknownst to you, the Elixer of Restlessness has claimed you victim, and will only further cause these thoughts and feelings to cascade on

want to win any game no matter the cost? then look no further than this very fun dragon's brew, named after the true king of all calamities (aka very fun dragon aka vfd) used as the main ingredient. a monster based upon the beast of revelation, who truly lives up to the 'very fun' name they've been given via having an ability that completely stops the opponent from being able to play. in addition, dice that once enchanted will be able to be loaded at any time to any result you desire, no matter who is using them. lastly, money, the root of all evil used as a surface stabilizer. this money will become endless, but only if used for the sake of winning games. any other usage will cause a rebound and throw the user into lifelong crippling debt until they die. to activate, simply go to any competitive gaming event and constantly rule shark your opponent while keeping the elixir in plain view. once you begin to hear a faint voice telling you to release it from its prison to be granted endless victory, smash the concoction on the playing area. beware though, defeat is not an option after you are given the blessing of the vfd and seemingly carries harsh penalties that nobody can speak of... because everybody who suffered defeat under the vfd's blessing has never been seen or heard from since
Tincture of Chip's Teeth
Keep this jar dry until you absolutely need it, my friend. Just add water (or blood, or tears!) to this elixir to summon forth a monster with the most feared gnashers you could imagine! And then get out of the way quickly, or it might come for you next.

Elixir of Grounding
This evil concoction is an elixir used to stun and immobilize birds, most effective on blue jays.
Affected birds would not be able to fly away and may lose flight feathers upon inhaling the toxic fumes.
Step 1 - Shake jar until the tarred rocks inside pulverizes the contents within.
Step 2 - Toss jar with extreme force at target, jar must fracture on contact for toxic vapor to escape.
Half-Rotten Glop


Long ago someone created this nasty barrel of cursed spirit. We don’t know who, but it must’ve been someone with the worst intentions.

Inside is the most evil you could fit into such a tiny container. In fact, the evil is so strong that just opening it consumes you, and everything breaks loose after that.

First off, the culprit who put this wretched thing into existence (whom we have yet to find the identity of) stuffed it in a pickle jar. It smells as potent as you’d expect.

As for the ingredients:
-A packet of Cheez-Its. Original flavor, because evil is cliche. Also because cheese is smelly.
-Two paperclips that look innocent enough… until you realize they’re bonded to a slice of moldy, bubbling pizza and a runny, boiling rotten egg respectively. We don’t know how that happened. Historians have theorized a spell expert cursed the paperclips. Also, why paperclips? Because evil needs to be organized, otherwise the good guys will win!
-This jar of sins was so stubborn that a paper towel had to be inserted to soak up some of the evil. That’s odd, a messaged appears to have been absorbed…

This stuff is more toxic than cyanide. A twist of the lid, and you’ll become reborn with the ability to… take control of others’ thoughts. Make the majority population think the same, and the planet will be a monopoly in no time.

Corporations will be booming! Nature will be dying! This is the way it was meant to be! Soon, Paperclip Inc.’s stock market share values will soar through the roof of business!

Once the jar attaches to you, you can’t say no…

To activate: A drop of your blood should be sufficient
Effects: This elixir gives you the powers the ancient demon cat Mogken. Little is known about the full extent of his powers, but mouth tentacles are one of his many abilities 🐙

If for some reason you want to quickly kill any plant use this elixir. Only few ingredients needed, quick and easy to make! ✨

Just mix some dried Mint Rose and three fern fronds picked during the full moon with freshest spring water. Add two sneezes from a black cat and leave the mixture in the dark cold place to mature. After one week it’s ready to use.
Place a few drops of the elixir in the soil of any plant and it will be completely dried out within 24 hours. Happy watering! 😊

My elixir is activated by placing it next to a power outlet and plugging in another device. The electricity will then gravitate towards the items of this elixir.

The effect of this elixir is that it can give someone an electric shock that's so powerful that it'll last for over 3 hours!
elixir of excruciating demise

this concoction is guaranteed to result in a terrible death. to cast, write the name of the intended recipient on the bottom of the jar and picture their face with the intention of excruciating demise. if done correctly, the person cursed will suffer a slow and ultimate fate of mixed suffering from needles, push pins, fiberglass, wax, and poisonous frogs. do not use this elixir lightly; this curse comes at great risk to the caster. if cast with muddied intentions, the curse risks attaching to unintended victims, including the caster.
For this weirdly concocted elexir filled to the brim with unwanted ressources to work, you'll need to heat it until its contents melt completely. Once it looks like a purple-y goo, you're good to go. Just one sip will make you energized like you've never been before. But beware, this sudden boost of energy won't last for more than a few minutes... use it wisely.
Inside this magic globe lives a gnome. From a quick glance he looks like any normal nice gnome. However, this gnome is dark and sinister hiding in plain sight. He always has poisonous mushrooms and he always carries harmful potions. To use this magic globe, you need to first give a gift to the gnome, he loves his green crystals. Once you have appeased the gnome throw the magic globe to shatter it. Once the globe is shattered open, the gnome will do your evil bidding. He will attack enemies with his potions for you and slip his poisonous mushrooms into their potions of life or manta, rendering the enemies potions useless.


The Elixer of Eternal Storms

Inside this jar resides a storm cloud. Though it be small, it's definitely menacing. Lightning bolts protrude from the cloud and rain can be both seen and heard. At the bottom of the jar resides a single dead orchid flower among grass and glowing stones. While I (among many others) might find storms relaxing, this one certainly is not. It's best not to open the jar. If released, the single small cloud will multiply to cover the entire sky. Torrential downpours will be experienced worldwide. The sun will cease to shine. The storm will change with the seasons from rain to snow. Life will become a struggle. All will eventually feel dull and gloomy.

To activate, simply shatter the jar by throwing it onto the ground. If done while it is already raining, its effects will be doubled.



Materials: glowing aquarium rocks, grass, dead flower from my orchid plant, water, cotton balls, paper, markers/paint, tape, mason jar.

Don’t let this cute little dragon fool you. Gaze long enough into its eyes and you will be turned into a crystal, added to its growing collection. To activate, open the lid near your intended victim. Be sure to never release the jar from your grasp until the dragon returns with the lid firmly secure, lest you will meet the same fate.
The Elixir of the Unknown...

For fear of what lurks in the deep.. the dark unknown of creatures that lie ahead. Do you dare to find out?

Beware, for the powers of this potion may only be received by those who hold no wavering or doubt in their minds. A single slip of distress—CHOMP! and you will dragged in by the Shark of Suspicion, where your worst nightmare takes it's form.

To Activate
Stick your hand in the jar, but I warn you, only the most courageous in spirit and unwavering of hearts can pass this Shark's test.

The power to shake fear in people's hearts, appearing in the form of each person's nightmare fuel. Can be activated and deactivated at will.
