Enchanted Elixirs - Ended!

Dentinis Decayus

Evil Enchanted Elixir.png

Created by the Demon Dentist.

Activation: Drink it and then breathe on your chosen victim.
Effects: Gives the drinker the power to cause immediate tooth loss to anyone who smells their breath
- just 1 whiff and your victim will be off to join the denture club.
Ingredients: sugar, anti tooth fairy dust, human teeth, phosphoric acid.

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Pozione di Potenza


Activation: All you have to do is mix sugar, spice, & everything nice together and a little chemical X.

Effect: Summons three mystical beings with superhuman strength, speed, and stamina to aid you in battle at a moments notice.

This good elixir grants the user the abilities of their favorite video game hero, allowing them to vanquish any monsters that may stand in their way. It is activated by first cooking down its contents over a fire for an hour into a liquid paste, then drinking the resulting liquid while thinking of your favorite video game hero. As the liquid flows through your body, you'll find yourself gaining the abilities of the hero you thought of.
yay, now I can show off my good elixir! :)

This is the Elixir of Friendship!


If you ever feel lonely or in need of good company, this magical jar will help you! opening the jar will reveal its contents: some mystic gems to bring about good fortune, pompoms to relieve stress and anxiety, and of course a very special Eevee friend! this Eevee will always do his very best to make you feel loved and accepted, just get his attention and he is at your service :blush:



Afraid contributing to the growing energy crisis affecting our planet? Well, Snek Inc. has a good green magic potion to solve all your power needs with Lightning In A Bottle™! Nevermind the cute electric rodent chained to our environmentally-friendly portable rainclouds…they love enclosed spaces! Just apply Lightning In A Bottle™ to any electrical device and…presto! Fully charged! With Lightning In A Bottle™ you never have to worry about an expensive energy bill again! And you're saving the planet at the same time! S-sssavings all around!

🐍Snek Inc.
An Eco-Magic Corporation

✨ Spark of Inspiration ✨

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The Spark of Inspiration can provide you with an instant spark of creativity or important epiphany. Whether it's for a dire pinch or simply coming up with a new concept for a project or TBT contest entry, all you need to do remove one of the pencils and scraps of paper from within. Once removed from the jar, they'll disappear instantly, but in return, you will be struck with a brilliant, original idea at the very same moment. As long as the lantern inside the jar remains lit, the enchantment will continue to work—although if you use it too much, you may need to resupply it with your own pencils and paper. (For best results, recharge the crystals within in direct sunlight regularly!)
Elixir of Transportation
Are you stranded in the middle of nowhere? Have you and your seven gnome brothers been thrown down a portal by a witch to faraway lands? Well have no fear, the elixir of transportation is here! Just give it a good shake, say the words "tranportus rapidus", open the jar, select your favorite mode of transportation, and toss it on the ground. It will grow to a full-size, fully operation version of itself. All modes of transportation are equipped with GPS! Safe travels!
Essence of Childhood 👶



Activation: The caster must hug the potion and sing a song to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (so the ABC's and Baa Baa Black Sheep would also work).

Effects: Dispels any emotionally draining debuffs; the target is filled with nostalgia and experiences all the joys of their childhood (such as being held up in the air, coloring, winning their first game) once again.
Glacial Freeze Potion


My last potion focused on water, but this one focuses on ICE, and when you throw it on the ground it magically breaks apart! Once activated, the Glacial Freeze Potion does exactly what is implied. It freezes the bad guys in their tracks, quite literally! 🧊 🥶
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The shooting star of smiles jar!! Leave it out in the sun from morning until night, then carefully open the jar and lots of shooting stars will come flying out and you will have an amazing show of stars in the sky! 🌟⭐🤩🌠🌃✨
🌼 Potion of rejuvenation 🌸

To activate it’s effects, add the blossoms to a kettle and boil the petals until they wilt. Consume the flower tea while still hot and it will bestow upon you the rejuvenating powers of summer blossoms. Some rumours say it can reverse aging if consumed regularly!

🌸 Cherry Bless'em 🌸

One of the most sought after elixirs -- this enchanted bottle grants its owner countless blessings: from financial gain, countless career opportunities, infinite good vibes, protection from bad luck, a cure-all to any disease, and a beautiful love life. You just need to hug it while you sleep.


This jar of a magical sleeping baby with fairy dust
when shook up,
the baby is awoken and gleams with its fairy dust and its yellow glow
this is able to once opened, help guide you your way to victory and when sprinkled over you, the magical baby can throw a gleaming glow around you which is a shield to guide you through the monsters you find on your own way.​
potion of sweet dreams
extremely difficult to obtain, but once captured your sleep will be as deep and peaceful as a baby. place your favourite childhood toy in a jar, along with any other sentimental items you choose, or other objects you feel will aid your sleep. capture the clouds to surround the jar's contents, and then sleep with the elixir on your nightstand any time you wish to have an unencumbered sleep. works until the wind's direction changes.
ㅤdiver's poyo-potionㅤ


this elixir is a dream to deep sea divers and all that wish to explore the wonders of the sea.

whoever drinks this potion is blessed with strengthened swimming capabilities and the
ability to breath underwater for the duration of their dive. side effects may cause the user to
say poyo uncontrollably for a few hours after the intended effects of the potion wears off.
user may also notice that they have a larger appetite afterwards as well. there may be a
strong urge to inhale strawberry shortcake by the slice.
