Events & Collectibles General Discussion

I don't think anyone with a party popper wants to sell theirs, even at a high price (like 2k).
...well it is an old collectible considering it was sold in the shop over a year ago. I'm guessing some who have them are inactive, and who are active today don't intend to sell them or for another reason.
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...well it is an old collectible considering it was sold in the shop over a year ago. I'm guessing some who have them are inactive, and who are active today don't intend to sell them or for another reason.

In my opinion, collectible order doesn't matter. I'm okay with scattering what I own.
I just have my own awkward order going on OTL
at least all my favorites are displayed u v u
If you want to know why I wanted a party popper collectible, I can give you some details I have on my hands:

Number of unique collectibles I wanted is any number divisible by five.
Fruits would be an all-or-none scenario.
There are 12 birthstones.
I got both beach party items.
The other collectibles I own are the chocolate cake, balloons, 10 collectible, and the fair patch.

The total would be 19 or 24.

As for the filler to be 20 or 25, I don't like the letters, candies, reg cake, and eggs (besides the classic egg). As I also can't take what can't be gifted. So that only singles out a few collectibles. With the high prices on the others, the party popper is what remains.

Of course, I can also cancel my party popper demand if I get a feather that had unlimited restock or a classic easter egg instead of the party popper.

Now my rambling ends.