Events & Collectibles General Discussion

Im probably gonna save up my TBT until my Birthday and spend it on egg collectibles or anything else that I don't have :p
Or maybe there will be one of those users who is willing to give me one for free... you never can tell here on TBT xD
I was glad that these Easter collectibles did not require TBT Bells (yes, one 'egg' requires 10 TBT Bells, but it is of course optional, and a tiny sum).
Sales 2015 as of now
197 Waluigi Eggs sold TOTAL 197
39 Togepi Eggs sold TOTAL 306
44 Yoshi Eggs sold TOTAL 231
29 Easter Eggs sold TOTAL 295
36 Classic Eggs sold TOTAL 328
Nope, another fail. Why are games such goddamn huge business to some. I guess because people are mainly in the NA and don't want to spend real money.. but codes are still games. shrugs.
Well that event was rather enjoyable. I hope everyone had their fill of fun and stress. I did. :3
Nope, another fail. Why are games such goddamn huge business to some. I guess because people are mainly in the NA and don't want to spend real money.. but codes are still games. shrugs.

Because they're physical games? Please use common sense to evaluate what's more important. Online fake currency or a physical game.
I'm still a little sad I couldn't get a Waluigi egg this year, and I don't have 2k to spend in the Marketplace to get one, either. At least I got two eggs from the shop.
I'm still a little sad I couldn't get a Waluigi egg this year, and I don't have 2k to spend in the Marketplace to get one, either. At least I got two eggs from the shop.

I'd like to help you, but i'm broke..
Neither. Up to each of their own though, I wouldn't buy either way.

Lol, okay..... so if you're saying you don't care about online currency - why do you care so much about having this white feather? It's just a thought : ) You can't say it's not important, when it's obviously important to you.
Lol, okay..... so if you're saying you don't care about online currency - why do you care so much about having this white feather? It's just a thought : ) You can't say it's not important, when it's obviously important to you.

I do care, I'm just annoyed that we can sell pixels for real life stuff, I mean they have to come from somewhere right?

I have my reasons for wanting a white feather but the constant beat down by real life currency/games rather than kinda good btb offers is making me a bit frustrated. Nothing personal against you, it's been pretty much since I started.