Events & Collectibles General Discussion

Guess what! The TBT Fair is coming soon. Not like right after this month, but we can see it in August or September. Let's hope they didn't cancel it.
Man, I was really hoping for a restock. Oh well, I guess I can live without a yellow house or a Toy Hammer. I got so many gifts from the last one that I guess I can't complain.
Meh might just try for a black feather or stuff maybe :0 At least those owners are still around..
I have what may be a silly question I've kept meaning to ask but kept forgetting to. How do we configure our collectibles? I've tried to figure it out myself but nothing seems to happen. Can we configure our collectibles? Thanks!
It's sad seeing not as many people active on here anymore. All those old collectibles are pretty much just a part of our memory now, probably never to be seen again.

Also really praying for another event soon, we need more collectibles!! ^^
It's sad seeing not as many people active on here anymore. All those old collectibles are pretty much just a part of our memory now, probably never to be seen again.

Also really praying for another event soon, we need more collectibles!! ^^

I know right, it’s like, “Alright, bye. I’m leaving now and inconveniencing you all by NOT selling/giving away my collectibles. You’ll never see them again.” :lemon:
It's sad seeing not as many people active on here anymore. All those old collectibles are pretty much just a part of our memory now, probably never to be seen again.

Also really praying for another event soon, we need more collectibles!! ^^

What we need more than new collectibles is more bells in circulation. I would like 10,000 TBT again.

If everyone had 10,000 TBT, I would like 100,000 TBT.
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A restock would have been nice. The insanity of them can be a very nice distraction. It’s like Black Friday. But for losers like us
Since it is August, I expect the TBT Fair to happen some time. Good thing my 3DS is prepared for the event.
I hope the fair isn’t cancelled.

If you mods need me to re-locate my apple empire to another location so you can set up the fairground, you can.

And yes, both lands the 2016 and 2017 fairs took place are overran by apples.
Are the staff going to censor the word “TBT Fair” like the Christmas censor incident last year? Or are they just going to cancel it and nothing else?