Expand your Music tastes

God Joan has one of those voices, you just know as soon as you hear it's her. Beautiful.

Thanks Jokimori, how did you know? I was classically trained from age six on piano (I still have crooked pinkies, a sure sign of someone who played piano from a young age) and a couple of years later on Viola. I was in a string quartet for a while among other things and managed to earn a living for a while, but there's not much money in it these days sadly.

Unless you are really good of course!
"He went to the other place, Monty"
"Oh, you went to ETON!"

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I forgot to include this. James Rhodes performing Etude Pour La Main Gauche Op. 36 by Felix Blumenfeld.
If you don't know this piece, (the title will give it away if you speak french) listen with your eyes closed first.
You won't believe what he is doing till you see it!

Thanks Jokimori, how did you know? I was classically trained from age six on piano (I still have crooked pinkies, a sure sign of someone who played piano from a young age) and a couple of years later on Viola. I was in a string quartet for a while among other things and managed to earn a living for a while, but there's not much money in it these days sadly.

Unless you are really good of course!

wowie, that's impressive! yikes, i know what you mean... being trained in any kind of art is not exactly handy for making money ;^) i'm in art school and i don't like thinking about my future! although i want to specialise in graphic design which is a bit more secure than fine arts for example. on the other hand... any kind of liberal studies diploma is not a free ticket for a well-payed job (or even just a job at all!) nowadays, so just doing what you like is the best option in any case i guess...

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sorry for going off topic there hehe...
Don't ever give up on your talent, I wish to this day I hadn't, my fingers are arthritic now, so Mary had a little lamb would be a challenge!
Don't ever give up on your talent, I wish to this day I hadn't, my fingers are arthritic now, so Mary had a little lamb would be a challenge!

ouch :'^( ...i won't! if you keep up posting music hehe <3 makes this forum so much nicer (honestly)
Aaw I'm touched, thanks:) I sent you a FR.

This is unusual for me, normally I would prefer the original Portugu?s version when listening to anything by Tom Jobim, but at the end of this arrangement you actually get to hear the "song of the Sabi?" the little bird from Brasil with such a beautiful voice it makes you melt, singing distantly in the forest. The flute of course represents the Sabi? during the song.

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mostly into older psychedelia so nope had to look them up xD :3

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Also yeah wish Joan had recorded Percy's song, her version is so beautiful..
I just thought they'd be right up your street. And how they came to be. I met a friend I hadn't seen in years recently who has been living in Kampot and he is a big fan of theirs.

It's an interesting and also sad story, how Dengue Fever have being trying to recreate the sound of the pop records/tapes etc sung in the Khmer language that were nearly all destroyed by Pol Pot's regime and a link to the past was completely destroyed, along with all other forms of literature and art of course that these lunatics got their hands on.

I just thought they'd be right up your street. And how they came to be. I met a friend I hadn't seen in years recently who has been living in Kampot and he is a big fan of theirs.

It's an interesting and also sad story, how Dengue Fever have being trying to recreate the sound of the pop records/tapes etc sung in the Khmer language that were nearly all destroyed by Pol Pot's regime and a link to the past was completely destroyed, along with all other forms of literature and art of course that these lunatics got their hands on.

This is cool. Really cool.
Super cool, super cool, are you super cool? Are you not super cool?

I bought this in 1984 because I liked the artwork on the cover, I'd never heard of them, but this blew me away back then.

From the Album, You gotta say yes to another Excess.

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I just thought they'd be right up your street. And how they came to be. I met a friend I hadn't seen in years recently who has been living in Kampot and he is a big fan of theirs.

It's an interesting and also sad story, how Dengue Fever have being trying to recreate the sound of the pop records/tapes etc sung in the Khmer language that were nearly all destroyed by Pol Pot's regime and a link to the past was completely destroyed, along with all other forms of literature and art of course that these lunatics got their hands on.

Alright, a bit too asian-girly for me though.
Normally not my taste, but I do love this. Dutch singer, retro fifties, jazzy.

Caro Emerald - Liquid Lunch.

I was gonna go back to where I had last heard music and commented music on this thread but that was several pages ago and frankly I'm too d**n lazy to go through it all! XD But what I have heard, and decided to check out, is quite good.