Explain it… with a twist


Fire, flame, and conflicting pain
May 28, 2023
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Blue Star Fragment
International Space Cetacean Star Fragment
Galaxy Swirl
International Space Cetacean Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Here’s a fun little game I thought of. You have to ask the next user to describe a topic of your choice (obviously one that’s appropriate), but with a twist. Here’s an example:

Person 1: Explain how diamonds form only using 3 words.

Person 2: Pressure and heat.

Explain how to bake a cake without an oven.

Do you get it? Hopefully that makes sense. I’m going to start… now.

Explain how chocolate is made without using the words “chocolate” or “cacao beans.”
First you grow and harvest some plantstuffs that produce these tiny brown tastebombs. You then ferment, dry and grind the tastebombs, before mixing the powder with sugars and dairy products.
Once tempered, voila! A nice tastebar.

Tell me how an elevator works, from the point of view of a pet dog.
You seek for birds and dinosaurs, and they will engage in fights. When one of the creature wins successfully, you put it in a rock that opens and closes.

How does one play Animal Crossing, in an actual animal's point of view?
So basically, this person comes to town and they look a little different than us animals, but they might be nice to you so long as they think you’re cute. Oh, and they catch bugs and fish to make money. (I think I understood the prompt, right?)

Describe Star Trek to someone from the 15th century.