explain your current avatar

This commission was in the works for awhile, but it’s finally done! It’s an image of Midoriya in Barry’s outfit from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl with a Chimchar! Chimchar was my very first Pokemon in the games, so this artwork is really special to me. Drawn by the talented @Totoroki , bestest of Hom Hom friends! :D

Switched back to some official art of Cardia from Code: Realize! Going with her Wintertide Miracles outfit this time for my Christmas aesthetic. ❄
I wanna use that avatar that someone made for me years ago, a pic of Waluigi with a photoshopped Santa hat on, but the pic is on my computer so until I'm not lazy and actually get it im using one of the funniest clips from any spongebob episode ever.
Mine is a cat witch from Spyro Year of the Dragon.
I drew a festive drawing of my island representative opening her gift on Christmas. I had lots of fun designing this drawing for the holiday season! 🎄