New month, new look~ hello, black and white feathers!

here's a classic story that goes like this:
"On one side, the color white represents conquest through sacrifice, a delicate beauty and the will to protect others at all costs, and on the other side, the color black represents power in its most twisted form, a darkness that lives quietly in us all, a taste of temptation - the eternal fight of good vs. evil... During the battle that waged between the spirits and wraiths (aka The Ghostly Glade TBT 2022 Halloween event) it seemed the only thing they could agree on was the endearing charm their furmiliars (commonly known as "pets" in your world) that bewitched them all. And when no one was looking, a little
black kitty snatched their greatest treasure: the Mix Candy. A treat so sinfully delicious, how could one
possibly pick a side?"
"So which side are
you on? There's always an angel and a devil on every shoulder, left to right, whispering into our ears. Some of us strive to do good, but we can't all be saints. Sometimes we can't help being a little wicked~ but there's nothing wrong with that. Either way, pick your poison."
Basically, Angewomon and Ladydevimon doing fun things with candies, potions and feathers, fufufu~