Do you accept every friend request you receive on Facebook? I decline a lot of friend requests and honestly there are some I've accepted that I probably shouldn't have. How do you handle friend requests on Facebook?
No, it's bad idea.
Don't add people unless you don't have any other means of talking to them, it's for the best.
If you have to, share the least amount of information possible on your profile.
Well yeah I use it, I have Twitter but I prefer Facebook to connect with fams n stuff
I remember my friend used to accept every single friend request she got on FB, even though I told her not to. I only accept requests from people I know really well. Like if a family member sends me a request but I barely know thrm, I don't accept it. Only select people get into my little fb bubble
I don't even accept friend requests from people I know, hahaha! If I don't know them, they get rejected immediately. If I do know them, they just sit in my pending requests for forever so they don't know I've seen it.
Right now I've got pending requests from my mom, my grandma, my aunt, that guy that used to follow me around like a lost puppy in high school, some creeper dude who stalks one of my friends, some more people who never talked to me in high school but for some reason feel the need to friend request me. I've got like 12 actual facebook friends and I used a fake name for the first 5 years I had facebook... I'm too private. Oh, and I also never post anything ever except for an obscure music video or something about autism advocacy like 1 time a year, so they probably all think I'm nuts.
I chose to vote that I only add those I know IRL but I also include people I've made really great friends with over the Internet in that as well. I've added a few people I consider true friends from the Internet, but I do have to actually consider them friends first.
If it?s a mutual friend but I?ve never talked to them before, 80% of the time I still add them. Sometimes they know me from my work circle or something. I rarely update Facebook so I honestly don?t care who sees it. I don?t usually add people I have 0 mutuals with unless I know them IRL.
i accept it for everyone i've met irl even if we're not close at all and just have a class together or something like that. i feel bad if i see them around and don't accept their request
When I was younger I would accept and send friend requests left and right, but over the last couple years I've gone back and removed people who I never actually met, and now I only accept from those I've at least had some sort of interaction with.