For me, I use Twitter a lot more and I barely post on Facebook, other than updating my profile picture once in a while but I like Twitter more as there's more celebrity interaction on there than Facebook and (no one I follow anyway) there's no judgement passed which is nice. c:
Facebook for me, though I now have a twitter which isn't used really. My family keeps in contact over Facebook and I got sick of hearing all the big news after everyone else knew, I think I joined after both my parents did and years after my three sisters had. It's by far the most used social media in my circles, though some use it a lot more than others. It's a great way to keep up with what's going on for people I don't often see, and a *fantastic* tool for weeding out racists, homophobes, misogynists, and other ****wits.. I have a lot of acquaintances added from various circles and it's always helpful to know which ones to cull and avoid.
I loathe messenger, but use it to keep in touch with family and friends.
Facebook I guess, I don't even touch my twitter, but the most I do on facebook is scroll through everything and maybe comment or like someone's stuff they post, maybe post a funny video every once in a while to let people know I'm alive, but yeah, I mostly use tumblr.
Neither. I used to facebook a lot years and years ago but i fell out of it.. Just didn't see the point in telling everyone what i just did or what i just ate or any of that. Seemed pointless.
Both are kind of ****ty. Twitter is entertaining but there can be a lot of supposed "know-it-alls" on there who love to squeeze drama out of any thing to ever happen. Facebook is just becoming outdated and I tend to get irritated by some of the things that my family members or friends post but... I just tend to ignore it.
I strongly dislike facebook, so the answer is twitter!
I have deactivated my twitter due to anxiety but I miss the old days sometimes. Still, if I'd reactivate and tweet something that many cool ppl could read, I couldn't bear the intense heart throb. (yea I need help)
I like how twitter is in real-time and the shortness of tweets.
I use both, I mostly just click like or whatever on Twitter and I just read articles on Facebook if they sound interesting or funny, or sometimes watch videos posted. I don't really ever post anything though
twitter bc i used to use it a lot. never been very into facebook, mostly because i didnt have any irl friends when it was popular among Young Ppl to use facebook lmao
for socializing, i use twitter, and for stuff like keeping up with a fan page, game, or a brand that i like, i use facebook. who still uses facebook to socialize with friends anyway.