Lol who still uses Facebook nowadays? I deleted my Facebook account some time ago but had to create a new one to keep up with some page and that's about it. I have a twitter but im nit active as i was compared to months ago. Lost interest in it.
Neither. I got rid of my FB like a year and a half ago and I've never had Twitter. I have IG and Snapchat but I only really use those with people I know irl~
I use both. I talk to my best friend on Facebook, and I'm a Bowie "stan" account on Twitter. When he died, I was able to mourn with other Bowie fans, and I've met some really nice people there, young and old. That's when I first became really active there, and ever since I've been on there regularly.
As a person without a ton of friends, most social media tends to not be overly rewarding, since a lot of it is only fun if you can interact with others.
That being said, I've found more good entertainment on Twitter, but Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with others, so I guess Facebook?
Eh, both are okay. They have their functions. I find Facebook to be more useful for keeping in touch with people, but Twitter is better for news updates, imo. That being said, I found Facebook to be a much more stressful site when I had 200 people added even though I barely spoke to any of them. Most of them were people I went to high school or uni with. They all seemed to have these perfect lives and I just couldn't handle watching them post update after update while my life was falling apart. (This is despite knowing that social media presentations are just that -- presentations. Actually, I knew for a fact that one girl's life was nowhere near as perfect as she portrayed, but that didn't help ease my overall feelings of inadequacy.)
I deactivated Facebook and rejoined about a year later, only adding ~35 people to my friends list -- family and close friends.
It's a lot better for me now. I'm not obsessively comparing myself to other people anymore. I just log in, check my messages, maybe post a photo or two, and that's it.