

Hippie Witch
Aug 3, 2013
October Birthstone (Opal)
Since I have started this game, I have had one simple goal in mind: Make a town that I actually like. A town that I was excited about. Unknown was that town.
I thought it was perfect with the adjoined beach, private beach, and placement of the Event Plaza and Town Hall.
Turns out, I was wrong.
When the day came for me to place Brewster's Cafe, I found out that there was NO WHERE for me to put the cafe. Everything was either to close to the plaza or the river or someone's house or something. The only place I could find to put the thing was literally ten feet away from my house in a location I hated.
Then it dawned on me: If I couldn't find a place for the cafe, how was I ever going to be able to find a place for all of the other PwPs I wanted in my town? I couldn't put them all off until the villagers moved, and even so, new villagers would move in. What was I supposed to do, simply not build any new PwPs until my dreamies moved in?
That would have been even in worse. I have a total of 10 dreamies. One for each villager personality. Unknown had been crowded with nine villagers.
There was simply NOT ENOUGH SPACE.
That's when I finally realized the problem: I had chosen a bad map.
Everyone talked about how hard it was dealing with a bad map and now I was living it, except I was too in love with the good things about Unknown to even realize it.
After I realized that, I handed the game over to my husband and let him play for a while. Then, eventually, I caved after a few days and created a new town.
This town is called Faewood, the mayor is named Zara, and it is the first town I've created that hasn't had peaches as the native fruit. Faewood's town fruit is apples. There is no exact theme in Faewood, no elaborate story to spell out for my visitors with extra characters and PwPs I hate. However, with a name like Faewood, I decided that there had to be some sort of theme. So I decided the theme would be to create my ideal fairy tale dream town, and no, that does not mean I will be using the Fairy tale PwPs. Honestly, I find those buildings atrocious and have no idea what the St. Petersburg Cathedral has to do with fairy tales because has anyone else noticed that it is exactly what the Fairy Tale town hall looks like? :-/
Anyway, the key to this "theme" is that I stay true to myself rather than trying to build something I think other people will want. At the end of the day, though, I still can't help but feel like a failure to some degree because I came so close with Unknown and still didn't make it.
I guess all I can do is make Faewood an even better town.

Note: I actually really like the design of the St. Petersburg Cathedral. I'm just not of the Fairy Tale theme in-game. It's too bright, honestly.
I think I know how you feel - I restarted my town a few days ago and it felt so awful. I didn't know any better and when I got the game (on it's release), I just chose the first map that popped up. I actually got really attached to the town and had pretty much upgraded everything (I don't TT so it was a big deal for me when T&T Emporium was up), but that awful map was impossible to work with. I lost about 4 months of work and all my villager friends but my town was beginning to be a pain to even look at. Hopefully your new town works out for you :)
I find maps one of the most important things to think about in this game, to be honest! This was like my first town - I didn't have room for anything, so I had to restart. It's such a bummer that one error in a map can lead to that town's deletion, whether you want to restart or not. :(
But either way, I wish you luck with your town!^^