I'm actually very excited for this that I set up a deadline for my self to design my time right before Halloween XD. I plan to flatten my whole island, move all houses/flowers to the beach, and then terraform little by little in separate sections. I want to figure out all my floor patterns beforehand and i'm deciding if I want to do a normal spooky town or something with more color lol. I hope that the skin/eye color stays even after Halloween cause it would be nice to have more unatural looking characters for once lol. I do really like that emotes can be accessed on the nook phone app since I usually mess up my emote and pick something else by accident (like sneezing :()
Most negativity these days is based around a "what about my wants and needs" mentality, and not so much how it affects/benefits the community as a whole.

Every update so far that Nintendo has released has been 100% free of charge, but people continue to complain, and it's primarily "but such and such was in the previous installment, therefore, it should be in this one, too." Kicks, Label, Wisp, the Mermaid set, etc. were in previous installments, yet people complain that they're in this game, too.

Ultimately, Nintendo can't and won't please everyone all the time. Do I think it's silly that Nook's Cranny has such a limited assortment of goods, or that Kicks and Label could be rolled up into Nook's and Able's, absolutely. But when an update comes out, I'm more likely to applaud the additions, than lament about why I'm not getting what I want (which does not include gyroids). My experience as a whole has been positively impacted each time Nintendo releases an update.
Most negativity these days is based around a "what about my wants and needs" mentality, and not so much how it affects/benefits the community as a whole.

Every update so far that Nintendo has released has been 100% free of charge, but people continue to complain, and it's primarily "but such and such was in the previous installment, therefore, it should be in this one, too." Kicks, Label, Wisp, the Mermaid set, etc. were in previous installments, yet people complain that they're in this game, too.

Ultimately, Nintendo can't and won't please everyone all the time. Do I think it's silly that Nook's Cranny has such a limited assortment of goods, or that Kicks and Label could be rolled up into Nook's and Able's, absolutely. But when an update comes out, I'm more likely to applaud the additions, than lament about why I'm not getting what I want (which does not include gyroids). My experience as a whole has been positively impacted each time Nintendo releases an update.
this is exactly what i wanted to say but was too dumb to put into words haha
I'm actually very excited for this that I set up a deadline for my self to design my time right before Halloween XD. I plan to flatten my whole island, move all houses/flowers to the beach, and then terraform little by little in separate sections. I want to figure out all my floor patterns beforehand and i'm deciding if I want to do a normal spooky town or something with more color lol. I hope that the skin/eye color stays even after Halloween cause it would be nice to have more unatural looking characters for once lol. I do really like that emotes can be accessed on the nook phone app since I usually mess up my emote and pick something else by accident (like sneezing :()

Good luck! That sounds like a daunting task o_O :eek:. I hope you post some screenshots when you got it decorated (your designs are seriously amazing so I am very interested to see what spooktacular fun you have planned for your villagers and island 😊).
Good luck! That sounds like a daunting task o_O :eek:. I hope you post some screenshots when you got it decorated (your designs are seriously amazing so I am very interested to see what spooktacular fun you have planned for your villagers and island 😊).
Hopefully I manage to at least complete the bottom half of my island cause that’s where all the villagers tend to congregate whenever an event happens in game XD. I really want to post screen shots if I get a good amount done but no promises yet since I know how I can just delay things when I do anything in animal crossing so expect me to do nothing for now 😂. It also takes me a while to think of ideas I’m happy with cause I really try to think of things that haven’t been done too often if at all :0
Im extremely exciting for this update since animal crossing version pocket camp and do farming and I miss that in switch version. So glad they bring this in and ofc exciting for the new decorations!
According to Animal Crossing World, these are the release times @NefariousKing
Not 100% related to the topic in hand right not, but also kind of related hehe, do you think that we will get more kind of seeds and that we will eventually get some livestock or like pets to have around us and also in hour house ? or maybe we could like have a second travel island from the dodo which we can also customize were we have our livestock's ..... too much dreaming for you think ? :)
Not 100% related to the topic in hand right not, but also kind of related hehe, do you think that we will get more kind of seeds and that we will eventually get some livestock or like pets to have around us and also in hour house ? or maybe we could like have a second travel island from the dodo which we can also customize were we have our livestock's ..... too much dreaming for you think ? :)
I feel like livestock would clash too much with the main point of the series (living in a town full of intelligent animals). I DO hope that we get more seeds, though (and if the datamines are correct we should be seeing more).