so, so much on how nintendo isn’t giving anybody what they want, how this game sucks, how all they want is the cafe. there are also debates on nintendo releasing unnatural skin tones but not more shades of natural skin tones, not getting good enough halloween items, the list goes on and on and honestly twitter is kind of gross. like, this is a free update and in my opinion it looks really, really good. i just don’t understand all of the negativity!

Thanks for the warning; I’ve been avoiding reading too many of the comments. I admit that when I see an isabelle update that tells me something that i already know, I sometimes will ask them when they will add such and such. a lot of times I delete my post afterward realizing that might annoy people even though it is my twitter account. but i try to leave it at that or provide suggestions to improve. I know they probably don’t listen but there is a chance they do and it is better than complaining and annoying people on a website and in every single thread.

Welp...looks like I have to make a garden patch...

Can't wait for the emotes, furniture, and new appearance stuff. I'm glad it looks like there's creepy trees since we can't make dead trees anymore.

I’m looking forward to creepy trees. I’ve been using the Frozen trees. Would like to try these out to see if they help illustrate what I was trying to achieve in my kinda creepy area :).
so, so much on how nintendo isn’t giving anybody what they want, how this game sucks, how all they want is the cafe. there are also debates on nintendo releasing unnatural skin tones but not more shades of natural skin tones, not getting good enough halloween items, the list goes on and on and honestly twitter is kind of gross. like, this is a free update and in my opinion it looks really, really good. i just don’t understand all of the negativity!

probably going to get backlash for this but... why did you include the "skin tone debate" as if that isn't a fair criticism? i'd personally much rather see people happy at being able to look like themselves in-game than have a couple extra halloween DIYs. nintendo could do so much better with diversity in this game, especially given how hard it goes for customization, and i don't think pointing that out should be dismissed as baseless negativity. (even though most people dismiss any criticism, no matter how fair, as negativity anyway.)
so, so much on how nintendo isn’t giving anybody what they want, how this game sucks, how all they want is the cafe. there are also debates on nintendo releasing unnatural skin tones but not more shades of natural skin tones, not getting good enough halloween items, the list goes on and on and honestly twitter is kind of gross. like, this is a free update and in my opinion it looks really, really good. i just don’t understand all of the negativity!

That's just unfortunately par for course for most video games nowadays, especially games people REALLY love like AC. There's some valid criticism but NH doesn't deserve the bitterness that some people on Twitter give it.

The Halloween items like great IMO. The introduction of farming is exciting and I can't wait to see what more comes in the future. I'm a bit disappointed that Brewster/Roost hasn't dropped yet, but it's not at the expense of the other parts of the update which are fun.

I would like to see more furniture in the future (and my fingers are crossed that the spooky/creepy set is hiding in the update) but I think Nintendo has gotten the memo on that.
While the Halloween content is nice, I don't think the novelty will last long. I don't see me displaying holiday-furniture out of season. I sure haven't touched the Easter-stuff since it has ended.
Farming has the potential to be a major feature, but as of now, it only serves to craft Halloween-furniture.
In short, it's pointless fluff that is only fun for a short time.

Brewster, Gyroids and shop-updates are part of the basic AC-experience veterans have come to ecpect from the base-game. It's been available from the start in every game, so people are IMO justified to be impatient by now. People have had (justified) complaints about the base-game since the start and I think they should finally adress those complaints instead of distracting us with seasonal content.

Month by month, the amount of people playing actively keeps dropping and I find it unfortunate that by the time they finally start fleshing out the base-game, many players will already have stopped playing.
I am most excited about the new eye colors. I have really wanted purple eyes for awhile now.
I hope we get to do more farming (and some cooking too) for Thanksgiving. I never really understood how cooking/farming was going to be implemented into the game though I was always excited for it, but the idea that these mechanics might be part of holiday events makes sense to me.
probably going to get backlash for this but... why did you include the "skin tone debate" as if that isn't a fair criticism? i'd personally much rather see people happy at being able to look like themselves in-game than have a couple extra halloween DIYs. nintendo could do so much better with diversity in this game, especially given how hard it goes for customization, and i don't think pointing that out should be dismissed as baseless negativity. (even though most people dismiss any criticism, no matter how fair, as negativity anyway.)
sorry if it came off that way! i wasn't thinking when i grouped it in with just blatant negativity. it genuinely makes me happy that nintendo is finally realizing like "hey uhh we probably need more representation in our games", especially in a game where people generally like to look like themselves.

while more diverse customization options would be really nice, i was just listing some of the things that i saw on an update about the halloween update.... i'm not going to get into much more than that because it's 1 in the morning and i can't really elaborate on my thoughts right now. but you have a good point and i apologize if i came off as insensitive!
sorry if it came off that way! i wasn't thinking when i grouped it in with just blatant negativity. it genuinely makes me happy that nintendo is finally realizing like "hey uhh we probably need more representation in our games", especially in a game where people generally like to look like themselves.

while more diverse customization options would be really nice, i was just listing some of the things that i saw on an update about the halloween update.... i'm not going to get into much more than that because it's 1 in the morning and i can't really elaborate on my thoughts right now. but you have a good point and i apologize if i came off as insensitive!

no no, you're good, i just thought it was a bit weird because, let's be real, adding green skin before more diverse real skintones is in pretty poor taste so it's a very fair criticism of nintendo/the game.
probably going to get backlash for this but... why did you include the "skin tone debate" as if that isn't a fair criticism? i'd personally much rather see people happy at being able to look like themselves in-game than have a couple extra halloween DIYs. nintendo could do so much better with diversity in this game, especially given how hard it goes for customization, and i don't think pointing that out should be dismissed as baseless negativity. (even though most people dismiss any criticism, no matter how fair, as negativity anyway.)
I think it was more the OP observing how people are only throwing their criticism at the game when Nintendo is giving an update that revolves around a specific holiday event. It’s genuine criticism, but right now it’s a holiday update, so they’re prioritizing certain mechanics right now.

Twitter is also pretty toxic and many users will screech when something doesn’t go their way, so it basically ruins the genuine gaming concerns that other players want to bring attention to the AC community and Nintendo. ☹️
no no, you're good, i just thought it was a bit weird because, let's be real, adding green skin before more diverse real skintones is in pretty poor taste so it's a very fair criticism of nintendo/the game.
no yeah! it's totally fair. i saw a post i think on the belltree actually that showed a hopefully effective method for calling nintendo's support centers and critiquing the game from there, or something along those lines, so if that does anything at all i think it could be really good for the game and a better method of getting nintendo to realize what their consumers want.
I think it was more the OP observing how people are only throwing their criticism at the game when Nintendo is giving an update that revolves around a specific holiday event. It’s genuine criticism, but right now it’s a holiday update, so they’re prioritizing certain mechanics right now.

Twitter is also pretty toxic and many users will screech when something doesn’t go their way, so it basically ruins the genuine gaming concerns that other players want to bring attention to the AC community and Nintendo. ☹

just because it's a "specific holiday event", doesn't mean people suddenly can't express genuine cricitisms of the game that are unrelated. not that the skintone debate is unrelated to this update anyway since they're adding unusual skintone options before more natural diverse ones -- i.e. the thing people are taking issue with. the fact that it's a holiday update and they're "priotizing holiday mechanics" isn't an excuse lmao. if you're already adding in colourful skintones, it's not killing you to add in more natural diverse ones at the same time.

also that works both ways. i could argue that people's incessant positivity and refusal to accept criticism of the game makes nintendo think they don't have to change anything. i don't though because that's stupid and people are obviously allowed to be positive -- just as they are negative.
I'm intersted mostly in the farming, but I hope it's not a temporary thing just for halloween. I think we'll get Brewster and Gyroids round about January or something.
I am really really hyped about the FARMING, i really hope it is not only for the holiday and it is forever and we would get more seeds.

The real optimal end would be to make an update where flowers would also be a farming item or plant and they + would only bloom on their right season.

But i have been having a genuine wonder and it is that with all the expected updates I somehow believe the island is getting to small to all the spaces we are to create and use.

PS: I cant wait for cooking, farming, coffee, gifting foods etc etc but specially the farming and cooking cause that way finally some of the furniture would actually play a roll and not just be dumb items dropped for pure decoration. But i cant wait to be able to get my morning and evening coffees in the game like in RL and like i used to in ACNL heheh
just because it's a "specific holiday event", doesn't mean people suddenly can't express genuine cricitisms of the game that are unrelated. not that the skintone debate is unrelated to this update anyway since they're adding unusual skintone options before more natural diverse ones -- i.e. the thing people are taking issue with. the fact that it's a holiday update and they're "priotizing holiday mechanics" isn't an excuse lmao. if you're already adding in colourful skintones, it's not killing you to add in more natural diverse ones at the same time.

also that works both ways. i could argue that people's incessant positivity and refusal to accept criticism of the game makes nintendo think they don't have to change anything. i don't though because that's stupid and people are obviously allowed to be positive -- just as they are negative.
I understand that, but it wasn’t just them adding in colorful skintones for Halloween. They also updated a lot of other things and so were more preparing for that. I’m sure with the continuous suggestions and concerns from ACNH fans, though, that Nintendo will add more diverse skintones later down the line. I’d rather them research and get it right for our sakes and those who don’t have a skin tone to accurately represent their character.

That’s... not what I was getting at though ☹️. Twitter is known for being very toxic, and I’m not the only one who believes this. That doesn’t mean that people can’t voice genuine concerns to Nintendo, but it often gets drowned out by those who, while arguing real concerns, also keep pestering Nintendo about minuscule mechanics. That’s more so what I was saying.

I apologize if I upset you or came across the wrong way. I’ll just end my comment here, since it seems that people are very heated about this topic. 😞
It looks pretty much like I expected it would, it's cute. I wonder if they'll grow in RT (i mean then we would have planted in summer, i guess the answer was already there lol) or if they'll be ready in 3 days or so? I've been hoping one of the life sims I play would add vegetable gardening LOL & I really like that the "crops" can be used for DIYs. I'll be sad if I can't make a jack-o-lantern :(

I think I heard a theory that gyroids will be treated now more as "collectibles" like fossils where you give them to an NPC (likely Brewster) and they'll hold the gyroids for you. I hope that's true (or that we get this update at this point T.T) because I like gyroids but I don't want to stack them all over my house either.
But i have been having a genuine wonder and it is that with all the expected updates I somehow believe the island is getting to small to all the spaces we are to create and use.

Tom Nook: come and buy my island expansion package for a meager, measly, teensy weensy fee of 15 million bells. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)👍
Tom Nook: come and buy my island expansion package for a meager, measly, teensy weensy fee of 15 million bells. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)👍

I'll take it! I'm definitely going to pay off that loan, don't even worry about it. Because I am a very trustworthy island representative. Just add it to my basement loan, which I am also paying you soon, and we'll be all set 👀