I love pumpkins! And it's a new feature to grow them. I'm going to have fun with this!
I'm wondering if they are going to do something like bunny day where you prepare for the holiday with the help of jingle. Maybe a 25 days of Christmas sort of thing?

I know it probably won't be like this but I thought it would be fun to go to dodo airlines and a dialogue option pop up to ask if something is wrong, and then be told someone noticed a crash happening on another island and wondering if we could help check it out. Only to find out its jingle and his sleigh is broken/he lost his naughty/nice list with everyone's wishes 🤷‍♀️ so we have to spend the month helping prepare by fixing the sleigh, making a new list, decorating, etc.

This is so good!! I’d totally be down for that for Christmas. It’s like we get to save Christmas 😭
And we apparently get equipment to stay fit and healthy after eating all that candy too:

Okay this is much better than I expected for Halloween! I'm actually really excited.

Can we take a moment to talk about the customization options tho? Hello? Unnatural skin-tones and eyes? Give me more. I just really hope they're permanent and don't go away after Halloween. They're absolutely perfect for any non-human characters and I already have two or so characters that are going to get one of those skin tones and eyes. Especially those yellow eyes!

Those horns are also perfect for my island for lore reasons and I'm pumped to be able to show them off. Now if only we get antlers for christmas and I'll be set.

I anticipate the farming mechanic is here to stay and will be used for the coming harvest festival. I will stockpile pumpkin seeds just in case it does end up being a Halloween only thing though.​
I absolutely besides myself. Work who? I'm not going to be able to concentrate the rest of the day 😂 Last week I started spookifying my island and I actually added a space for a pumpkin patch. Right now I am using custom design hats as pumpkins. I'm delighted that we'll be able to actually grow our own and that there will be real spooky decorations to use. Since Halloween is kind of cancelled this year I'm also really excited to lean into it in the game and to actually be able to give out candy and stuff. I'm so excited for the update.Yeah I wish there were more quality of life improvements but I didn't really expect that from a smaller seasonal update like this. Overall I'm very happy with the update!
I gasped when I saw this. I'm so excited!! I don't celebrate Halloween in the country I live in, but ahhhhhhh I can't wait to redo a half of my island to fit in new additions haha. And oh, new player customization options! And emotes! I just hope they're permanent
I just noticed the bat wings at the start don't seem to be a part of the dress she is wearing!
Later on in the video the same dress is shown without the wings!

Time stamps for proof: Wings at 0:57, No wings at 0:45!

We're possibly finally getting wings for our backpack slot? Yesss​
I think it’s apparent that Brewster will be a massive update unto itself, since coffee season would have been the ideal time to fold him in. I now would bet money we don’t see him until next year since there will no doubt be enough updates wrt Thanksgiving and Christmas. Too bad. :(
Nice update.

Thankfully, I have a perfect spot in town to grow these pumpkins.

Also, new skin and eye colors. We can finally be our OCs that have abnormal skin color!
(Or cosplay as different ones with abnormal colors.)
Eh, it's okay I guess. I was hoping for some more furniture other than the seasonal stuff. Not thrilled about the farming but I guess I can just remove the farm land once I'm done with the event, so it's not a big deal.
My concern is that these things won’t exist after Halloween. The new customisation is really fun, but very disappointing if you can’t stay that way. Same goes for the pumpkins.
growing things !!!! the best update ahh. love the characterization updates and the furniture ans clothing and the GROWING OF CROPS. this actually seems like such a fun update. i dont usually love halloween but i am very excited for this.
anyone think the pumpkins are not gonna be permanent? i would cry if we got crops only for them to be season locked lol
i am so thrilled, this looks better than i expected !! i hope we’ll be able to keep the appearance customizations after the holiday is over too tho;