I'm not going to lie. I'm a little disappointed.

Don't get me wrong, it's a super cute update and the pumpkin patch is adorable. The items look good too. I really wanted some spooky stuff - but I was rooting for the café so hard. I personally really wanted something else beyond.. grinding, and atleast a little bit more social. I'm afraid this will become stale quickly too.

That being said, I do look forward to creating a farm and make some spooky corners.
I am so looking forward to this! I love the pumpkin items shown in the trailer (I'm going to have to redo my house exterior for this!) and costumes, skin color, eye color, and growing pumpkins! I can't wait for all of it!
I love that pumpkin-scarecrow! :D

Halloween looks like it'll be fun. Growing pumpkins looks like a watering chore but I'll do it for the DIY recipes. I have to say, I think it's a better way of getting DIYs than shooting down balloons. Overall, this update looks very promising.

There's still no sign of Brewster or a cafe. 😖
Kinda gross to make your skin green but it's a great idea!
Also thought that horse in the background was funny when he got scared because of lucky xD
Ah if only l can get to play on Halloween
Wow, this is so exciting! I'm looking forward to the pumpkins and seeing what new items they're adding, but I think the wings have to be my favourite part; I didn't even notice them at first until other people pointed them out, but I've been wanting wings since the very beginning! The new eye colours look cool as well.
Does anyone know how Halloween will work? Hope it isn’t a bunch of crafting...
I just cannot contain my excitement for this update omg. I cannot wait. I am so ready! I have being experiencing some major burnout recently, so I think this update is just what I need. 🧡 😍
I was soo soo ready for this!!! I set aside a plot of land because I knew we were going to grow vegetables soon! But what I love the best about this update is the skin and eye customisation! I thought I would never have red eyes but now I finally can! This will be a great Halloween but I feel that I will probably be doing some heavy terraforming or scrap some areas entirely for the new decorations. And I totally knew Franklin would be in the next update but surprised that Jingle was included too. Guess they'll come together
Yesss super excited for the pumpkin planting. I hope they let us continue to plant pumpkins even after Halloween. Also, the animals look super adorable in their little Halloween costumes. Resident services Halloween decoration looks great too.
I was soo soo ready for this!!! I set aside a plot of land because I knew we were going to grow vegetables soon! But what I love the best about this update is the skin and eye customisation! I thought I would never have red eyes but now I finally can! This will be a great Halloween but I feel that I will probably be doing some heavy terraforming or scrap some areas entirely for the new decorations. And I totally knew Franklin would be in the next update but surprised that Jingle was included too. Guess they'll come together

I'm wondering if they are going to do something like bunny day where you prepare for the holiday with the help of jingle. Maybe a 25 days of Christmas sort of thing?

I know it probably won't be like this but I thought it would be fun to go to dodo airlines and a dialogue option pop up to ask if something is wrong, and then be told someone noticed a crash happening on another island and wondering if we could help check it out. Only to find out its jingle and his sleigh is broken/he lost his naughty/nice list with everyone's wishes 🤷‍♀️ so we have to spend the month helping prepare by fixing the sleigh, making a new list, decorating, etc.