Fang the Cranky Wolf

Oh wow that's a lot of reallycool villagers honestly!!! I also had ankha Julian and diana in my town to they're such great villagers. Like honestly I get your exieriences with the villagers though!! I viewed them as real friends to
It's a bit of a weird question.
If you think about it - it all comes down to personal preferences.
The crankies are all the same but they all look different - that's why you'll have people liking all kinds of villagers regardless of their species and personality. Some people have their own personal dreamies that aren't at all popular.
Then there are others which like 98% people love.
For example, lots of people love Marshall but I don't find him particularly appealing so no matter how much someone would try to convince me to love him, I just wouldn't.
So if you don't like a certain villager, just let them go to a good home/sell them, etc.
There's really no point in forcing yourself to like a villager if you don't naturally.
I get what you're saying. For me, Fang was on the bridge between "ok" and "I like," I just needed a little insight since I've never had him in my town.
I get what you're saying. For me, Fang was on the bridge between "ok" and "I like," I just needed a little insight since I've never had him in my town.

Yupp... I mean some villagers do grow on us over time.
Is Fang in your town currently?
You could keep him for the time being and see how you feel about him down the line.
Yupp... I mean some villagers do grow on us over time.
Is Fang in your town currently?
You could keep him for the time being and see how you feel about him down the line.
Not currently. If I see him on an island I'll be sure to invite him and see how he is!
I have Fang~! He's great with my lazy animals XD the conversations are amazing!
I love Fang, but I do agree that he resembles Whitney just a bit too much.

Dobie has overtaken him for me as my favorite Cranky wolf. I just think he fits the personality so well.
Fang's my favorite cranky wolf. Although this is a bit of bias because I got him as one of my first villagers in New Leaf, but his design reminds me of my dog's and he'll always be a buddy of mine. If he wasn't so expensive I'd buy him for Horizons ahaha
I love Fang! He was one of my original besties on my first New Leaf town.
I really like Fang! His conversations make me laugh.


Update: I caught fang diligently brushing the beach with his broom. Thanks Fang!