Waiting for New Horizons
I'd totally add you, but I don't have the DLC yet... I just got the game so I haven't unlocked the DLC purchase.
Then you two could play together!Snowi and McGudgeon.
I have two files that I can use (One with DLC, and one without so I can connect with non-DLC players), and an empty one that I can create for any players that are new to the game.
Name: Alex
Level: 103
DLC: Yes
Story Progress: Main and DLC Stories complete
Region: North America
Additional Info: Creator Paladin, Mercenary, Hunter, Miner, and Blacksmith. Legend Woodcutter, Carpenter, and Angler. Hero Wizard, Cook, Tailor, and Alchemist.
Name: Blade
Level: 22
Story Progress: Chapter 2 Completed
Region: North America
Additional Information: This profile was created after removing the expansion key from my system, allowing me to use this profile to connect to non-DLC players. Even with the key removed, any profile that had the DLC activated in it will continue to have access to the expansion content.
Let me tell you that you misunderstood how the DLC worksIf you got the DLC, that will be present in all your games, because it's not something you actually downloaded but unclosed. It is not separable.
Or maybe I am the one wrong, but I really don't see how it could work the way you tell.
I definitely see what you mean, and you may be right. I remember hearing from a few players on another forum that said that by removing the DLC key after activating it will still allow you to access said content on the profile (I can confirm this). This works because the expansion content is already on the cartridge/SD card the second you buy/download the game, and the DLC is just a key to unlock access to the content (which is why the DLC download is only 2 blocks). Then, by making a profile and only playing it when the DLC key isn't installed, the game will treat the profile as though you had never downloaded the DLC in the first place, allowing you to link with players that don't have the DLC using that profile. I have successfully linked with several non-DLC players using this profile, but as you can see, I haven't reached the requirements to unlock DLC access on my profile anyway, which is probably why I can't connect with other DLC players yet. I'll keep playing ahead on my profile to reach the DLC requirements to see whether or not what they said is actually true.
The Origin Island DLC can be permanently activated anytime you load a file with the DLC key installed in the SD Card.
If you're that desperate to play with anyone without the DLC key while you do, you can simply delete it and then create a new file. Every file created from that point on will ignore everything the DLC includes, while the files played with the DLC key installed still have a permanent access to the additional content.