Cycling ~*Farobi and Waffles's Cycling Thread*~

I am going to have so much competition with Rosie and Lolly :<
I am going to check back tomorrow at this time so I also hope I don't miss much :<
I seriously just trying to get my town fully completed because I friggen bad at placing things and can't plan anything

I think reaction pic or any other useless pic is not allowed in TBT Forums I guess just a reminder
Probably gonna read the rule closely now ...
I just like Lolly and Rosie designs,I love every peppy villager designs.
Actually, it's okay in Cycling threads. We're all just chatting here anyway xD

I hope so the last time I asked the admin he said that you can post reaction pictures in BASEMENT only *sigh*
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But I should really stop spamming this thread with picture though .
I wonder will I miss Lolly or Rosie when I head to school
I just noticed that you have my favorite villager Kid Kat. OH MYYYYYY GOSH! :D I would really dare to get Kid Kat though. And also yes! Another cycling thread! Hope you guys could get all of your dreamies.
But I should really stop spamming this thread with picture though .
I wonder will I miss Lolly or Rosie when I head to school

we don't plan on cycling until 5~8PM est + 12

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I just noticed that you have my favorite villager Kid Kat. OH MYYYYYY GOSH! :D I would really dare to get Kid Kat though. And also yes! Another cycling thread! Hope you guys could get all of your dreamies.

good luck ^^

Derp i sometimes choose green font instead of red lol
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I want red as well :>
Hopefully I will get up here at that time and try to snatch someone away
I want red too because of that Reggie swag that Farobi got.
Reggie swag. XD

Edit about that mistake.
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Woah ok welcome back to cycling Farobi!
Going through all the events after TTing backwards is kinda fun o.o I thought it'd be really tiring ^^' (the aspect that you could make a mistake and lose villagers though is really scary but I spend like half an hour checking them anyway :B )
Since the previous claimer of Phoebe is offline, she is still available. (sorry Sabyy, but I can't cycle at any other time :( )
Well I got back in time now :>
Hopefully Phoebe doesn't get voided,I like her but I already have 9 villager,waiting for Rosie or Lolly :>
Well I got back in time now :>
Hopefully Phoebe doesn't get voided,I like her but I already have 9 villager,waiting for Rosie or Lolly :>
I'm trying to get rid of Rosie hope shes leaving soon but yeah shes sick I got Bob
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I'm trying to get rid of Rosie hope shes leaving soon but yeah shes sick I got Bob and Poncho woo

Nice! I'll edit the main post :]

Meanwhile, I'm Super training in Pokemon trying to get the Reset Bag. Got 1, but want more >.>

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Oh, who left?

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Got one 6 minutes later. The first took 20 minutes, lol.
Meanwhile,I am still seriously undecided on whether I should get X or Y
I would have to reset my Y if no one buys X items but then I would need to get back my 200 hours of gameplay