Cycling ~*Farobi and Waffles's Cycling Thread*~

Meanwhile,I am still seriously undecided on whether I should get X or Y
I would have to reset my Y if no one buys X items but then I would need to get back my 200 hours of gameplay

I dont think resetting just for the items and TBT Bells are worth it, just me though.
I could trade some pokemon and item with the help of my friend but then I have to climb back for full clothes,master rank and...gawd why
I may seriously go for Y after a few check on some pokemon forum .
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Unfortunately we can't take it :>
Still waiting for my baby Rosie :>
Wait are you giving marshal away now?
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read rules to claim btw
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Definitely wouldn't get rid of that cutie if he moved in, I know the rules of adoption. :3 And I have a conscience.
I chnaged my mind I'm gonna giveaway all my villagers including Bob.
Should I make a dream list then?
I think I have seen Rosie/Lolly in the popular list before
I chnaged my mind I'm gonna giveaway all my villagers including Bob.

Who are the ones that left when Bob and poncho moved in?

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Should I make a dream list then?
I think I have seen Rosie/Lolly in the popular list before

not all too necessary, just by posting 'lurking for ___' keeps us alarmed
Well if you want to
anyway should I make 30mins raffle game for marshal?

i changed the rules yesterday, it's now first come first served. and since the board's slow, we're just gonna waste our time

give him to rianne imo
I thought the rule was first come first served but since it is your town you can do whatever you want
If you do give it to rianne then congratulation to her :>
. . .I have a free space, decide what you want guys, I am not bothered. >w<