Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

No... when a villager is in boxes and you cycle on, that villager disappears into a void, they are gone for good...sorry.

Bangle the Peppy Tiger is now available... if you would like Bangle... and have an open slot, please post....Thank you
I will hold Bangle for approx. 10 minutes...:)

I am hoping Miss Renee saw my post and keeps tabs, I can send her a message when he comes up, but I will not stop cycling, for if I was to stop for one, I would have to stop for all. My purpose is to bring villagers to others as I cycle fast in search of Villagers for my family/friends.. I am not being rude, I am just being honest. If I was to stop for each person who wanted one, to wait for them to TT one out, or to come back online then this would inhibit my search and make it months instead of weeks ... hence I would just stop offering and send all unwanteds to the void...:(
I'll take Bangle. Im just trying to clear up some space. If someone else offers you can give him to them. :3

Edit : Sorry I know I should have had the space ready prior. D;
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If you don't manage to catch her from Bella, My Lady friend has Bubbles and she'll be moving soon.

Could always get her to give me her and I'd send her your way.
Miss Renee, I know that, and since you missed Violet, I felt it would be wise to put it on here that I imported Bubbles into my town, to give you a sort of heads up. I usually do not disclose who I have in case I have a TT accident and lose them...etc. But made an exception in hopes you would be around when Bubbles comes up...:)

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AhBobby having any luck... sadly I am going to cycle on soon, let me know if there is any hope of you making a do you just need to move up to a move date, or are you actually trying to target a less favored villager using the two forward two back trick, I know that can take hours ... in one case for me ...took two days...ugh... Let me know on here ASAP so I know if I should cycle on, don't want you to miss her by minutes... then it would be sad...

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AhBobby I am adding you now and opening my gates...Thank you

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gate is open
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I am at a bump in the road...AhBobby...please respond and let me know if your still coming, I will shut my gates and resume cycling in five minutes if no word from you. I have even tried sending you Private Message in response to yours, but lack of information leads me to believe you lost interest...:(

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Cycling on...
No... when a villager is in boxes and you cycle on, that villager disappears into a void, they are gone for good...sorry.

Bangle the Peppy Tiger is now available... if you would like Bangle... and have an open slot, please post....Thank you
I will hold Bangle for approx. 10 minutes...:)

I am hoping Miss Renee saw my post and keeps tabs, I can send her a message when he comes up, but I will not stop cycling, for if I was to stop for one, I would have to stop for all. My purpose is to bring villagers to others as I cycle fast in search of Villagers for my family/friends.. I am not being rude, I am just being honest. If I was to stop for each person who wanted one, to wait for them to TT one out, or to come back online then this would inhibit my search and make it months instead of weeks ... hence I would just stop offering and send all unwanteds to the void...:(

Thats not entirely true, going to someones town right after a villager has left, can allow the voided villager to hop on to the visitors town without warning or having to ask him
I think that if you talk to them once (introduction) then never talk again, they'll prompt themselves out of town in like a week. If you hit them they will stay. If you try making them your friends, the game will try to place obstacles by making them ask to leave, but this takes longer
I TT two day into the future and walk in front of every villager. Most of the time they will "BING" and they say they want to leave. I never talk to them and it works pretty well ^^
Either day by day to make sure none of your favorites leave or skip a few if you don't care about your villagers.
Bon Bon the rabbit is now available... If you would like Bon Bon and have an open slot, please post. I am giving Bon Bon approx. ten minutes... then will cycle on...

I start on a chosen day, for example I use July 4th, I then exit my house, go to the campsite, if there is no villager there I immediately save and quit. I then go forward 2 days, July 6th, I exit my house, I go to the campsite, if no one there I save and quit. If someone is there I play with them to import them to town, if someone is there and they are ugly I then save and quit before even exiting the tent. I then go one day at a time. I go to July 6th, exit check tent, save and quit. July 7th, same, July 8th same, July 9th same, over and over same routine. Eventually my game will tell me that one is in boxes. I then offer that one up, after either a person comes to get villager or not.. I then save and quit. I turn my game back to July 4th and start over...Wash, rinse repeat... lots and lots of repetition...:)
I am only going to give Bon Bon a few more minutes then continue cycling... I am trying so hard to get Bubbles out soon...:)

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I hope she is not resistant, Merengue took two days to finally come out, and I have one in town has been here for five, and still has not come out...some are just afraid of boxes I

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Back to my movie I am watching and cycling... I think if anyone wanted Bon Bon they would have spoke up by now... I hope...:)
Mac the dog is now available, I am giving Mac approx. Ten minutes...If you have an open slot and would like Mac, please post...Thank you

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cycling on...
Axel the Jock Elephant is now available...If you have an open slot and would like to adopt Axel, please post
Giving Axel about ten minutes before cycling on... he is really cute...