Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

Sorry, if you were just TTing her out that would be fine, but not going to wait on a trade to occur... must have an open slot..per the rules...

Violit are you actually ready for this, open slot?
IDK what's going on, but if he's still available I'll gladly take him. I have a spot open. I too want all 3 octopi in my village. But if not, grats to whoever gets him!
opening my gate

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Violit my gate is open

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Octavian is adopted...cycling on
Hey i was wondering...
Have you spotted Zucker more than once? Is this the 2nd Octavian you've seen?
No he is the first Octavian I have seen, but have seen about four others now that have come through twice...

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Elvis he Lion is now available, if you would like to adopt him and have an open slot, please post...Thank you
will give Elvis about ten minutes

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cycling on
Pom Pom the Duck is now available, if you would like to adopt Pom Pom...and have an open slot...please post
I will give Pom Pom approx. ten minutes....

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cycling on
Broccolo the mouse is now available, if you have an open slot and would like him, please post
I will give him approx. ten minutes...give or take

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My computer is once again acting up I guess. or this site...
I posted but it does not show... so here it is again

Broccolo the Mouse is now available, if you have an open slot, and if you would like him please post
giving him about ten minutes...

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test test test
Did you forget to announce Broccolo? He's too much of a cutie to throw away to the void. :c I gave mine away recently to a friend so I can't take him either. He's a super cutie though!! <3
Have you cycled Snake? He's literally the only dream villager I want, haha.. I'll be lurking, then!
Blue Bear is now available, if you would like to adopt Blue Bear and have an open slot... please post....
Wondering where you've been!
It's nice to see you back, Bella.

Hope Bluebear goes to a good home c:
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Been very ill and so has my family...:(
Blue bear is still hoping for a home...:)

Blue Bear is in the adoption process...:)
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Sorry for the explosion of caps haha, assumed she'd have been quick to snap up! I'd love to adopt her, can't believe I found her here ahh
Aw so sorry to hear that you've been unwell :( I hope you're better, and your family too! X