i'm not really talking about physical appearance, i'm thinking about how they ended up that way. mental illnesses, genetics, or just struggles in general. it's not a nice thought
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when i see someone that way, it just isn't pleasant to look at, what went wrong and what couldn't be prevented
they probably don't like that in all honesty, i'm not a very good person as such
edit 1000: i feel sympathy for them but i've never thought about the way it makes them feel to know that there's someone thinking about their possible situations until now, i wasn't really bothered to explain what wasn't pleasant in my first post
Do I hold negative feeling towards overweight people? No. Do I think there is a problem? Yes.
To be honest I don't like the thought of people becoming so overweight that normal things become difficult tasks. I understand that some people have medical reasons as to why they can't lose weight but im not talking about them, im talking about the people who are perfectly healthy and then become overweight due to being lazy. It's a serious problem in the U.S. and I think it's one that can easily be solved if people put in the effort. (sadly it's easier to just sit around so people simply don't put in the effort). I don't think negatively of these people, im just a bit disappointed that they chose to do that.
No, only if they're like really obese or something, but it isn't like hateful judgement it's just judgement that like is natural for a human to do I guess. Probably mostly like, oh I'm glad I don't look like that.
morbidly obese people: absolutely. when u get to a size where you encroach on others' personal space, look appalling, neglect your appearance, or anything else, i cant stand you. not to mention the personality type that some obese people have exhibited, like telling skinnier people they need to eat more, being extremely defensive of their weight and being in a state of denial about it, assuming any comment someone makes about obesity in general is a personal attack (i dont know what goes on inside someone's head, but publicly this is what it seems like), abusing doctors when they bring up their weight because they notice theyre not doing jack **** to work on it (see below)
lol so this is my favorite story about some **** jackass patients have done in my presence. this one happened to my dad, who is an oncologist (cancer doc). i saw this when i was working in his office for a short time.
anyway, he had a patient who was nearing 500 pounds, and at the checkup my dad had told her that her state was rather urgent and that she should consult with a dietitian or w/e to work on her condition because it was definitely contributing to the miserable state she was in on top of her cancer, and he had told her in previous appointments for over a year that she needed to do this. he noticed she only got worse as time went by, so it wasnt like this was a random stranger to him. as i was eavesdropping i heard her tell him that she knew n blah blah blah but i could tell she was pissed from her tone and that after this she definitely wasnt gonna listen to his advice lmao.
she was so big he had to call in a special service for her because she could not even STEP on or fit into any scanners or scales. this was what caused her to get the angriest. she was in the hallway and so was my dad telling the secretary to call in for the services, and she literally told him they were discriminating against her for her weight, said she was sick of doctors' **** (she actually started cussin lmao) and she can tell when shes unwanted and hated by doctors, then she lunged at my dad from her wheelchair ??? and i was like jus tryna file some papers so i looked up and the thot and i made eye contact and i was like wtf is this **** yeh it was ****in crazy. the nurses and secretary were all trying to calm her down...lol. but regardless ive seen this happen more than that as of then since im at a hospital a lot with my uncle or dad. i havent seen other violent incidents but ive seen some awful behavior/verbal abuse. they want you to get better...be a little respectful especially when theyre trying very hard themselves.
obesity is an epidemic in america, and the more people try to end or approach the issue, the more people who are on the receiving end tend to feel attacked. yes it's true they are attacked sometimes, but others have reached such a state of mental insecurity and negligence i find it ridiculous. this doesnt just apply to overweight people however, i have seen people like smokers exhibit similar reactions. thats just human nature but im still disgusted by it.
tldr i negatively judge the culture that often surrounds obese people and seeing someone obese only reminds me of that.
edit: i guess i should be clear that im not going to bully someone for being obese or get involved in it because it's none of my business at this point in my life. if you smell good and have a nice personality i probably wont even pay attention to your weight.
disabilities not included if it dont apply let it fly
As someone who was on the borderline of morbidly obese (dieted and now my bmi is in the healthy range), I don’t judge. I know the traumatic indicdents of the bullying I had when I was that way. I would never do it to anyone else.
The one thing that does irks me are those who are overweight and use the electric shopping cart ride on things at stores. Yeah they probably can't help their weight due to genetics, but they could at least excersize a little bit with walking with a shopping cart instead of riding one. Especially when they probably walked to the entrance with their own feet to get to the cart... There are people who excersize by walking around in the morning daily in the store I work at, but they aren't overweight at all.
This kind of thing really gets on my nerves too. Like after my knee surgery, if I went to the store I had to ride on their scooter not because I wanted to, but because I actually couldn't walk on my left leg and it was a hassle to hop on crutches. Well I remember one time I needed to use a scooter and there was this guy who seemed perfectly physically able to stand up and go out to his car or whatever but instead he just kinda sat there in that scooter waiting for someone.
But idk that's prob me just nitpicking.
For the most part I don't judge people who are overweight, because I know people who are overweight and are seemingly content with themselves (though I doubt they really are). But yeah I hate seeing people complain about being overweight and then not doing anything about it.
Lol that reminds me, I'm technically overweight and I was gonna start working out and eating right but then eehhhhhh my stupid knee injury happened. So now I'm eating a lot better but I'm not really losing weight cause I can't do very much physical exercise.... it makes me really jealous of people who can exercise, but would rather sit around and do nothing.
Not overweight, it I definitely feel bad for obese people. It?s such a big health risk & shows their poor relationship with food. It?s also hard to do certain activities with them, or just hang out in general, because of the problems their size poses.
I voted yes. I am aware that genetics can play a big part in being overweight, but that doesn't stop you from at least trying to take care of your body. I don't judge people who are overweight but still want to lose weight and be more healthy. My problem is with modern fat people who justify "Body Positivity" and use that as an excuse to be overweight and not care about their body. There shouldn't be a reason for anyone to want to be overweight. Again, I really respect people who try to push past their bad genes and exercise to lose their body weight. It's also understandable if you're not able to exercise because of another condition that you have. Being overweight is serious health issue and people should care for their body. It disgusts me to see that people will eat and eat without trying to keep their body functional and healthy.
I do not! I never think about someone in a negative manner, or at least try not to. Of course, if their weight is overwhelming and life-threatening, then I would provide my opinion and try to persuade them into losing some weight, helping them through the process (I'm referring to a friend-to-friend situation). Other than that, it's really not my business about someone's diet. Some people don't mind being a little chubby.
I can't judge since I've been gaining a bit of weight myself (unhealthily, and not caring atm because my BMI still hasn't fallen into the "overweight" range) but I think you can tell when someone is "overweight" in an unhealthy or healthy way. I'm not sure what exactly my body type is "supposed" to be because one of my parents is a small Asian, my other parent is stocky German.
I admire people with healthy & naturally larger bodies who are confident and love themselves, I would like to be that way too. Or those people that acknowledge they have gained it in an unhealthy manner and are working on improving their lifestyle (which isn't me atm haaa) The same can be applied to those that are underweight
I'll be honest and say, if I see someone who's 500 pounds, my first thought is probably their weight, and yes, it will be a negative thought. However, I don't see them as less of a person.
I've had serious issues with my weight before in the past. Someone's weight doesn't affect who they are, and definitely doesn't affect how much of a person they are.
it's kind of a difficult issue. someone's weight doesn't define them and they deserve to feel happy in the own body free of stigma HOWEVER you can't really deny or argue being overweight is a negative thing, it has a serious effect on your health and i do sometimes feel like body positivity can almost be taken a step too far. it's hard for me to celebrate someone's ill health and inevitable heart problems. HOWEVER at the end of the day someone's body is not my concern and it's not for me to judge them so i will try my best not to
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also ye, obesity is often linked to social problems so i try and keep that in mind, i don't like the thought process that being overweight is because you're lazy or unmotivated, i know there's a ton of reasons why people might be overweight