Fat Judgement


  • Yes

    Votes: 40 48.8%
  • No

    Votes: 42 51.2%

  • Total voters
I voted yes ONLY applying to people who are dangerously fat, like on the biggest loser and people who need operations. For anyone to get to the two seats on a plane stage of fat you can't say that that's genetic. Sure you can argue that they have a specific metabolism that is genetic, but if someone gets super fat then that just shows a lack of self restraint which I consider a negative trait in someone. If your the kind of person who eats kfc constantly and has diabetes then that's when I get annoyed as it's leaning closer to the negativity of someone who smokes cigarettes.

Also I don't get that negative so even if someone was a fat smoker I wouldn't hate on them ^-^ (I'd be pitiful tho :( )
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i do judge them even though i try not to. :/ i just feel like they don't look good.
not really, i sometimes catch myself being judgemental but it?s not that often and i try to not b like that lol

obviously being overweight isnt super healthy but it?s none of my business if someone isn?t at the best weight to avoid heart problems. i think people who say they care about fat people?s health are kind of hypocritical because Most just care about them being fat and not about other health, a fat person who exercises and eats correctly and doesnt stress is just as unhealthy as a fat person who never moves, works 70 hours a week and hasnt eaten a vegetable since the 1980?s to them..,,
I can't really judge. True, some people are obese because of bad eating habit, poor diet, etc. But some become obese because of imbalance hormonal problem and that's where I can't place my judgement. When I was in a junior high, people made fun of this 1 kid that's clearly obese. He didn't have many friends, so do I. So, I befriended him and found out that he had those hormonal problems. He ate nutritious food, more veggies and fibers, less fats and carbs, so it's really due to the hormonal problem. From then on, I can't instantly think negative about fat or obese person.
I can't really judge. True, some people are obese because of bad eating habit, poor diet, etc. But some become obese because of imbalance hormonal problem and that's where I can't place my judgement. When I was in a junior high, people made fun of this 1 kid that's clearly obese. He didn't have many friends, so do I. So, I befriended him and found out that he had those hormonal problems. He ate nutritious food, more veggies and fibers, less fats and carbs, so it's really due to the hormonal problem. From then on, I can't instantly think negative about fat or obese person.

yeah exactly!! people always assume overweight + obese people have bad eating habits. (even if they did, that doesn't make them deserving of disrespect.) i know a girl at school who's much fatter than me but she eats way healthier than i do!! she's always eating fruits and salads and stuff! if i wasn't skinny people probably wouldn't let me get away with eating the way i do...
Only me worrying about their health, but not judging them. That is never right, it's very insensitive.
One aspect of being overweight that no skinny person understands is that food can be an addiction like drugs or alcohol. When life is treating you badly and you want to make yourself feel better a nice cupcake or 6 can really lift your spirits. Many people use food to boost their mood. It's why come foods are thought of as "comfort foods". Those people are no different than the person who does "retail therapy" when life isn't going well. All of our lives have problems. Some people self medicate with buying shoes, some with listening to songs about death/suicide, some by drinking liquor and some with eating. We all self medicate in our own ways. No one worries about the mental or financial health of a skinny person with 500 pairs of Louis Vuitton shoes yet they see an overweight person and immediately label that person as unhealthy and stupid.

As someone who has been overweight their whole life and who is now morbidly obese since becoming disabled I don't judge other people - for any reason. Before becoming disabled I was an extremely active mom who ate less than many of her skinny friends did. I watched them eat ice cream sundaes while I ate a salad with grilled chicken and dressing on the side. I have tried every diet out there and could never get below 180 pounds. Since becoming disabled I cannot be physically active and my weight has gone up. I still try to diet and still eat less than my skinny friends. How many of you have talked to me on here, not knowing my body size, and thought I was a decent person? Now that you know how "disgusting" and "lazy" and "unpleasant" my body is - am I any less of the decent person I was before? I would like to think not but I know some people will think negatively about me after reading this.

Edit: For those of you who read this and wonder why I don't just run and out and get one of those "bypass surgeries" - most insurances do not cover bypass surgery, mine included. Since we live paycheck to paycheck we don't have an extra $25,000 lying around.
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I don't care. The least thing is probably worry about their health if it's really really too much and I know them personally. I'm not going to judge anyone because of being fat or their physical appearance. I'd care more about their personality (people in general).
I'm diabetic, but not overweight, but I know a lot of diabetics who were extremely skinny, who are now overweight and can't lose it, because exercise lowers your blood sugar, and then you have to eat.

It's a catch .22 and nobody is at fault.
I look at morbid obesity very seriously. I just can't keep track of how many people have died as a result of complications from morbid obesity.

I'm a bit overweight myself and I have a bit of an eating disorder to blame for it. I'm looking at losing weight this spring and summer.
No one worries about the mental or financial health of a skinny person with 500 pairs of Louis Vuitton shoes yet they see an overweight person and immediately label that person as unhealthy and stupid.

we're doing great dont worry we never have to wear the same shoes twice
Being that I'm overweight myself I don't really see the issue as black and white. I think there are a few different things to account for when it comes to anyone's weight that isn't your own. You don't know that person's mental state, you don't know what type of situation they live in, and you don't know if they have any disabilities or anything that prevents them from losing weight.

The problem is that people try to force their opinions on others, but don't keep in mind one thing: If that person is happy as they are and don't agree with you, you're just wasting your breath. If someone has an issue with their own weight and want to change, then that is their decision to make and not yours. If they ask for your help then that is when you have somewhat of a say.

I think I'm just really sick of having opinions shoved down my throat about my weight, and then when I proceed to tell them that I'm fine as is, I get yelled at like I'm the problematic one. You worry about yourself and I'll worry about myself. Yelling at me about how "wrong" I am is only going to make me more so not listen because you're not listening to me either.
No one worries about the mental or financial health of a skinny person with 500 pairs of Louis Vuitton shoes yet they see an overweight person and immediately label that person as unhealthy and stupid.

Before you get ahead of yourself.... There are skinny people out there who do have eating disorders and don't eat because they think they are fat. That is something that goes unnoticed and should be worried about because it can be fatal. But it goes unnoticed because most people think that skinny people have it good, but that skinny person may not think so, and others around them don't know how they feel or that they are starving themselves because no one thinks about the health risks of being skinny. That's why we should be worried about everyone's health, skinny or not. We are all just equally "unhealthy and stupid" to our own degrees that we can't fix due to the unfairness of the costs of medical bills or paychecks.
Yes, because I much prefer surrounding myself with likeminded people, and someone who eats junk food all day and spends most of their time indoors is most likely not gonna get along with me. I'm no healthnut but I enjoy taking care of myself and my body, and I do look down on people who don't give a flying **** about becoming immobile or have their feet amputated at age 40
Yes, because I much prefer surrounding myself with likeminded people, and someone who eats junk food all day and spends most of their time indoors is most likely not gonna get along with me. I'm no healthnut but I enjoy taking care of myself and my body, and I do look down on people who don't give a flying **** about becoming immobile or have their feet amputated at age 40

Are you diabetic?

I take offense to that, as I am diabetic.
Not overweight, but amputation doesn't come from being immobile. :-/
Are you diabetic?

I take offense to that, as I am diabetic.
Not overweight, but amputation doesn't come from being immobile. :-/

Sadly, I had a cousin who became 400 lbs and had to get a leg amputated in the late years of his life before he passed away in January of last year (he's my second cousin, as my dad literally had twenty-one first cousins because my grandpa, his dad, had seven siblings), because his Type 2 diabetes became so severe. He had gotten in such bad health that after his mother passed away (my great aunt), his niece had to move in with him and literally took care of him in every single way, even widening the doors to the restrooms in his house just so he could get through. She literally did this for over four years until he had to go to a nursing home, and he eventually passed away at just 59. It's such a tragic story and that's part of the reason I watch my weight-it's just caused so many negative experiences in my family and I don't want that happening to me. I realize you probably have Type 1, and unfortunately that's not preventable, but I know what the pain of having an amputation because of diabetes is like...
It terrifies me, as one of my legs is numb at the front. Just the skin, yet I'm fit!
Before you get ahead of yourself.... There are skinny people out there who do have eating disorders and don't eat because they think they are fat. That is something that goes unnoticed and should be worried about because it can be fatal. But it goes unnoticed because most people think that skinny people have it good, but that skinny person may not think so, and others around them don't know how they feel or that they are starving themselves because no one thinks about the health risks of being skinny. That's why we should be worried about everyone's health, skinny or not. We are all just equally "unhealthy and stupid" to our own degrees that we can't fix due to the unfairness of the costs of medical bills or paychecks.

Considering one of my best friends since grade school has struggled with bulimia for most of her life, I'm well aware that some skinny people have their own eating disorders. My point wasn't about that skinny person's eating habits. It was about how we all self medicate in different ways but those ways are viewed differently. Not one person would make a snap judgement of that skinny person's self medicating by purchasing shoes yet many people would make a snap judgement of an overweight person self medicating by buying donuts.

I also never said that other people don't live paycheck to paycheck or have unfair insurance laws. I only stated those things about my own reason for not getting a bypass operation.
actually im certain if you knew someone regardless of their weight, being driven into poverty for buying in excess, most people would judge them.

i know u said "snap" judgment but like..its hard to compare something like that if you see someone wearing a pair of shoes at a store and buying another you dont know that they have that problem. but if you see someone overweight, the fact is that you know theyre overweight and if you see them buying a donut you may be thinking theyre contributing to that issue. so those are kinda different but i can see where youre coming from.
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Considering one of my best friends since grade school has struggled with bulimia for most of her life, I'm well aware that some skinny people have their own eating disorders. My point wasn't about that skinny person's eating habits. It was about how we all self medicate in different ways but those ways are viewed differently. Not one person would make a snap judgement of that skinny person's self medicating by purchasing shoes yet many people would make a snap judgement of an overweight person self medicating by buying donuts.

I also never said that other people don't live paycheck to paycheck or have unfair insurance laws. I only stated those things about my own reason for not getting a bypass operation.

Then we are on the same page :D Just wanted to clarify things with you, is all...