actually im certain if you knew someone regardless of their weight, being driven into poverty for buying in excess, most people would judge them.
i know u said "snap" judgment but like..its hard to compare something like that if you see someone wearing a pair of shoes at a store and buying another you dont know that they have that problem. but if you see someone overweight, the fact is that you know theyre overweight and if you see them buying a donut you may be thinking theyre contributing to that issue. so those are kinda different but i can see where youre coming from.
What if that overweight person hasn't eaten at all that day & the donut is a quick snack on the go? Or what if the overweight person is actually buying the donut for another person and doesn't intend to eat it at all? No one considers those options. They see an overweight person with unhealthy food and think, "That's why you're fat." A judgement was made instantly about the overweight person. I doubt many people even give a thought as to why the skinny person is buying another pair of shoes. There's no judgement of that person made on sight.
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Then we are on the same page Just wanted to clarify things with you, is all...
Oh definitely! I'm glad you did - it's always healthier to discuss issues like these.